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Jaune: [taking his glasses off and angrily stares at Qrow]....

Raccoon fauns: Sir, we found him snooping around asking where are you and possibly bring us harm, sir. 

Qrow's thought: This guy must be the head chess. 

Jaune: Samantha. 

Samantha: [looking at Jaune with a bit of curiosity] Yes?  

Qrow's thought: That voice! No way in Oum's name!  

Jaune: Bring him to Alexander for "politely" conversation. He will know instantly what I meant by that.

Samantha: [looking at Qrow with disgusts] Follow me, gentlemen. 

Jaune: I wish to speak with Sergeant Oscar alone.

Everyone nods and left except the raccoon fauns who stood attention very nervously.  

Jaune: Relax, you ain't in trouble. Do you want Rum or Whiskey? 

Oscar: Rum, sir. 

Oscar takes his seat than Jaune gives him the glass than Jaune return to his seat. 

Jaune: I have a favor for you if you don't mind. 

Oscar: [put the empty glass on the desk] Yes? 

Jaune: [hands him two different photos] If you see these folks do make sure their detained and stripped of their weapons and scrolls than call me the ones with red inked circles are allowed to do freely after been informed of our laws is that clear, Sergeant? 

Oscar: [looking at him as he place the photos in his pocket] I will inform my company to keep a look out for these vermis. 

Jaune: Also you're temperately in charge of five Boeing AH-64E Apache Guardian along with one Boeing CH-47 Chinook helicopter for simple reasons. If you would please excuse I have a "guest" to visit. 

They stand up saluted to each other both went their separate ways for the time being. 

In the "guest room" under his office through a secret passage after arrive he went to the viewing room as Samantha hands Jaune some coffee than begin watching the integration.

Alexander: [sadistic look] I promise to stop if you just give me the answer ya lavvy-heided wankstain. 

General Maxim: [shivering] Remind me not to piss him off. 

Ulrich: [worried look] I think he need to vo und visit vhat they call a Therapist. 

General Maxim: [face turning green] Sir, I'm going to hurl. Excuse me. 

He runs to the restroom that is convent next to the viewing room. 

Jaune: [smirking] He could never handle this kind of stuff. 

Qrow: [huffing] Go fuck yourself, monster. 

Alexander: [smiling and walking to a table that has his lunch on it] I may be a wee bit sadistic but I always get results through any means. We have many days to continue because I'm hungry and it's high noon I'm going take a lunch break. Excuse me, Lad. 

Alexander walks to his seat looking at his food and lots of Coke. [ORIGINAL that has traces of cocian in it and if anyone don't believe look it up.] As Qrow stares through the window. 

Samantha: [leaving the room] He's a strong fighter that I give him.

Jaune: Trust me, you have no idea. 

Ulrich: [watching Qrow] Vhat will you gain out of this? You already know they're coming right?

Jaune: A, its payback. B, I want to break him than send him back to that asshole Ozpin to show him em we ain't meant to be Toriphile with and it's a message. 

Ulrich: [sigh] This is a double sword tactic. Is it a possibility that this Kingdom Atlas vill demand us to give him our tech und veapons?   

Jaune: It's a big possibility, buddy.

Ulrich: IF you want peace, you have var. 

Jaune: ....

Qrow: I need to use the restroom. 

Alexander: [frustrated look] Why am I ask? I hate someone trying to interrupt my meal epically if it involves Roast Beef. 

Qrow: [very tiredly look] It's too embarrassing to said it out loud if you please come over.

Alexander come over and put his head near Qrow's face. 

Qrow: [whisper] I need to piss. I don't care if you send guards to watch me. 

Alexander: Very well. 

He steps out and informs the guards and they help Qrow get off from his chains than going to the restroom after words they put him back in chains. Than Alexander put up his remains of his lunch than resuming on torture Qrow for intel of any sorts.

In Ozpin office. 

Ozpin: [on the microphone] Would team RWBY and CFVY along with Professor Port come to my office please? 

Few minutes later after the group arrive in his office with concern and curiosity. 

Ozpin: [looking at the group] We received a distress beacon in the dragon continent coming from at the location. 

He shows them the location of said beacon on the hologram. 

Ozpin: You're mission is to investigate the distress beacon than report it. 

Ruby: [very cheerful] You got it we won't let you down!

Back in the Confederacy of Remnant major military base in the radar room.

Radarman #2: Uh sir.

Radarman #1: [reading a local newspaper]  What is it, Private?

Radarman #2: Do we have any fighting jets training today over at Delta F-52? 

Radarman #1: [holding his newspaper and looking over at the newly installed radar] No, I'm going to inform the Air Force Militia that we have possible hostiles. 

Radarman #1 uses the telegram using mores codes to the near by Air Force militia base. Once, the base got wind of it they lunch 4 manned F-15 planes to intercept the possible bogies. 


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