Day of Infamy

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William's POV

I'm walking to my house enjoying the weather with a bag of groceries and listen to this band called Nickelback which I'm a huge fun of on my scroll when I saw a bulkhead recon unit in the sky than it vanished without a trace paying no mind to it thinking of it as a figure of my imagination and continue walking to my house. The house is located near the bay of Brandon where many civilian ships and occasional Diamond Dogs research vessels after entering my home I turn on the TV and procced to make lunch. 

William: [calm smile] Spam, bread, cheese, and creamy spinach. Spam burger here I come! 

TV was given a emergency broadcast making me pay attention to it. 

TV Reporter: This Brandon News Center reports of Atlas soldiers are engaging a Confederate  base near Shiloh and Fort Lindal. My god. 

The News station went on standby mode. 

I quickly rush to my gun rack and retrieve my M16 A2 rifle and Colt Pistol and made my car to my Humvee than driving to Magee once there a random motor round hitting the left side of my Humvee losing it's axel making me crash into a street light post seeing bullets hitting it. Crawling to the right side where the sandbags are along with few police officers and militiamen. 

William: [getting out and went the nearest sandbag] Private, who is in charge!

Private: [continue shooting] Sgt. Eric! He's over there near the-. 

Before the Private could finish he was shoot in the upper part of his head killing him instantly than making my way to the Sergeant. 

Sgt. Eric: Sir, those damn Atlas is dropping robotic Airborne troops and our AA drone is damage if I can get to it we might. Might, be able to win!

William: I will cover fire you! Wait for my signal!

I pull my upper half of my body out of cover and start shooting at the robots as Eric made a mad dash to the AA drone across the street [different makeshift sandbag bunkers]. Once he got into position and signal me to catch up as he in turn cover me. I reach the position, Eric immediately starts repairing the drone. 

Few minutes later. 

William: Eric, I'm down to my last rifle round and my radar is saying another Roboparas [Robotic Paratroopers] squad is flanking us to the back and possibly the last two defenders! 

Eric: [grabbing his rifle as the drone left off] It's fixed, sir! 

We watch the drone do it magic shooting down all the enemy bulkheads and as we finish killing those robots than sitting on a bullet ridden car trying to make sense of this mess as the civis [military nickname for civilians ] start coming out and few of them start to kick the dead robots. Making no sense of the matter I got up with Eric than explore the now ruin town for any wounded and killed people. 

Eric: [filled with anger] Fucking Atlas! 

William: [sigh] You go to the left and I go to the right for the wounded if you find any human enemy soldiers fire one shot and I come to you, understood? 

Eric: Yes sir. [loading his rifle] 

We went our separate ways all I see is dead civilians and few militiamen I start to get lost in my thoughts till I see a figure holding a tree branch than fell to the ground I quickly made my way and see that was shot in the gut knowing full well I cant save him. 

Civilian: Please save-. 

He expired hearing vehicles to my right and saw three Humvees and a Red Cross truck. The leading Vehicle is Colonel Bismarck who I deeply respected approaching this destroyed town. 

Confederacy of RemnantOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz