Munich Resistance

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It been few months that Archer, Aurelian, and I successfully infiltrated this large city Archer taking care of the radio for supplies and whatnot as Aurelian is in nearby forest to train our recruits for sabotage bridges and what not currently our underground network is about forty strong only training about twelve at a time in the meantime being the ring leader of this freedom fighters and interrogator. 

Archer: [in a spare room] Sir, supplies will be dropped at check point Alpha around 1200 hours. 

Pixy: [staring at the local map] I didn't order any thing. 

 Archer: I did, sir. 

 Pixy: I see. 

Archer: Also, remember bout that 4th guy? 

Pixy: [taking a sip of Bar'ks soda] .....

Archer: There's another one joining him and both James and Haru "Spike" Osbourne. Both are expert in what all three of us are doing at the moment furthermore this is Haru's hometown. 

Pixy: She's a local? 

Archer: Yeah. Both supplies and those two will land at the LZ in 45 minutes. 

Pixy: [checking his watch and it is close to 1200 hours] You are in charge of the delivery and take our best fighters with you than one the way back give them the run down. 

Archer: Got it. 

After Archer exits the mission room a freedom fighter came in to give me a briefing. 

Freedom Fighter: Sir, we scouted the main bridge and it's semi heavy guarded followed by a major arms factory and using fauns forced labor. Orders, sir? 

Pixy: Wait till our guys with supplies come back than we go from there, ok? 

Freedom fighter: Sir. I have came up with up with my people's national flag that I'm hoping that your nation will support my nation as a ligament after Atlas surrenders. 

Pixy: [looking at the freedom fighter with a smile] Yeah. My country will do support you and your new country at the treaty signing you be there to discuss your terms along with leaders like your self. 

After some time everyone with supplies settled down in the main mission room for the briefing session with the this nation's flag hanging on the wall. 

Pixy: This will be a two way mission, team Alpha with a team of ten people will attack the main bridge and hold it if the team is not able to do so, blow it up along with the main railways meanwhile team Bravo will assault the mine and grab this man called Abram, he's a sadist at heart when it comes too fauns however, I honestly don't think it's not only a mine for dust but something more horrific and for those who doesn't want to see what next your welcome to leave with your assigned team leader. 

None move out of their seats making everyone tense up and bit worried than on the projection screen. 


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