On a date.

620 13 2

In the shopping distract of the Capital. 

Coco's thought: Aragh! So many guards and a hell lot of ugly and outdate fashion!  

Velvet: [holding Jaune's left arm on her chest] Maybe we can go that store? 

Jaune: [smiling] That's Steven's BBQ. Best in town if I do say so myself.

Human villager: [standing in front of the group while his secret service guards aiming their guns at the man] Lee, last time I saw ya, you been fucking a heifer! 

Jaune: [grinning and walking up to his face]] I could say the same to you and your mother. Furthermore , it was a damn joke, ya Yankee asshole! 

Velvet: [looking at one of his body guards] Do they know which other? 

Guard #2: I wager $10.00 that Jimmy will win this time! 

Guard #3: I wager $20.00 that Mr. President wins!

Guard #1: [pinching the his eye brows] I'm surrounded by morons. 

Jaune: [punching Jimmy's face] Next time you don't steal a bull and a damn heifer!

Jimmy and Jaune starts brawling punching and kicking each other while others just watch a good free show as the lead guard ask the girls to go to the BBQ restaurant for late lunch while explain Jimmy's and Jaune's rivalry that very rarely don't break out in a brawl. 

Meanwhile at the Island. 

Prison guard: [looking at the Ruby's group, Jaune's former team, the Professor, and the other two team members that belong to Velvet and Coco. ] Alright, Inmates! Listen up because I'm only going to say this once so listen well! This will be your new home, Alcatraz Island! Until you are either pardon or complete sentence you will be treat as such, you all will have your prison cell along with it basic thing and finally when you are handed the routine you will do it either willingly or forced, when responding to the Worden it be Yes sir or no sir! Do you inmates understand!? 

The group nods finally led to their cells however, for Fox and Yatsuhashi was escorted to a nicer cell because of their strict naturality prior to Jaune's "faked death". Shortly after everyone settled in the speaker came in. 

Warden: Our first poisoners, you will have no privileges, no letters, and centrally no back talking including you Weiss. Lights out! 

Ruby's thought: I'm scared, I want to go home. 

Nora's thoughts: Do they have Pancakes and waffles plus, breaking legs???

Ren's thoughts: There goes my piece of mind. 

Blake's thought: What is this thing on my neck? I smell fish. 

Pyrrha's thoughts: Why?

Professors Port's thought: I'm getting too old for this mess. 

Meanwhile at Beacon. 

Qrow in the hospital in a coma from the fall he went through not knowing he was being watched by Ironwood, Ozpin, and Glynda worrying. Finally Tie went through the door and seeing the trio. 

Tie: Ozpin, what the fuck happened to my girls? 

Ozpin: [staring at Qrow] It seems they been captured by the unknown faction also putting Qrow through a lot of pain. 

Tie: What!?! 

Ironwood: Don't worry, Tie. I have a squad going their last known location in turn we should have word bout 30 minutes. 

Glynda: Let's go to the tower and see. 

In the bulkhead with two Atlas robots and five human squad in charge of the group is Captain Daniel Ozpin. [Ozpin's son] 

Daniel: You remember the briefing! Once we hit the ground begin searching for the group! 

Soldiers: Yes sir!

In the cockpit of the bulkhead. 

Pilot #1: Sergeant, we may have a problem. 

Pilot #2: Yeah, take it easy, Private. 

Pilot #1: Roger that. 

Pixy: <<Attention unknown bulkhead, you're in restricted Confederacy of Remnant's airspace! You have 2 minutes to respond if you fail we will shoot you down.>>

Back in the Capital shopping distract, Jaune's walking with Coco and Velvet and his guards with his right arm in a arm cast and a ice pack on his left eye. 

Coco: Back at this "Earth" both of you get into a fight simply over a horse and land disrupts?

Jaune: [smiling] Don't ask ok? 

Velvet: Jaune, you somehow broke his legs, few of his ribs, arm, and his collarbone and still can walk? 

Jaune: Hah, I'm a Lee! It's normal for me to get into a fight. 

Velvet stole a kiss on Jaune's lips surprising everyone while too stunned to even respond one of his secret services agents quickly and very carefully grabbing Coco, Velvet and Jaune to the armored car and going to the safe house. 

Jaune: What gives? 

Secret Service agent: We're under attack, by Atlas, sir. 

Jaune: [pissed off] What!?! 




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