Counter attack

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Atlas soldier's POV

I stood there terrified. Froze like a frog during winter. They're using their own shirts and what ever they can find a start shooting despite being in intensive pain still fighting than I book it to friendly lines as the wounded or Oum knows what they are still shooting and killing us than I feel sharp pain in the middle of my back and fall to the ground dying. 

{play Sabaton: Attack of the dead man} 

William's POv

I was coughing while at the same time rallying my troops ignoring the pain I grab my rifle and start shooting like nuts as the recoil gotten to strong for me to no long to handle it. Falling on the ground seeing the last of those bastards run away than crashing on the ground face first slowly going to sleep. 

Alexandria's POV   

Alexandria: [seeing the cloud] No! 

I grab a gas smack and ran off the boat than Dustin since he is immune to the gas he left the mas alone seeing many wounded from the gas I filmed it the entire gas attack for everyone back home to see this monstered action. Than I saw someone that made my heart sank. William with half of his face burned along with the other with different and or similar wounds than Jacob and us two quickly grab every wounded and dead allies and our captain than Jacob entered the code and it starts counting down to zero. Hoping the explosion take the hell hole with it. Dustin take the wheel to make the ship go as Jacob radios our coast guard for escort and medical team tier 1 Alpha. 

5 minute till dentations. [David Crocked size] 

Vickers's POV

I can smell the fresh air that is released by our newest weapon and seeing my former brother and his weaklings that he thinks are his friends along with the unwanted specks of human traits of these fauns that I also release to make them suffer all the more to which I smile greatly knowing all of the are dead so as a victory lap so I can stomp on his worthless body. I send my platoon along with myself to the building all I see is my men bodies, and robot, and destroyed buildings from my attacks feeling like something is weird I enter the radio/computer office with two of my body guards with my rage growing that he and those sick fauns fucks got away from me so I can enslave them till the die as they deserved! We begin to hear to hear beeping sounds than the building was blown up with my along with it.      

Vickers: You got me. 


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