Mission Briefing

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In the helicopter. 

William: [standing up] Listen up team! 

All of his troops listen closely. 

William: We're here on the outskirts of Albino city here is the mission objectives uploading to your P.I.D. [Personal Information Data] as it is as follows. 


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Search and Rescue the downed pilot and if captured find and exact.  

If he in a base kill the guards, exact him and other poisoners than exact intel. 

Mission time: 45 minutes upon landing and 10 for exfil. 

William: When we touch down need a 3 yards speared and make damn sure our tracks are covered, we be alone with no support.  Aurelian, take point when we reach the area. 

Aurelian simply nods. 

William: For everything holy, JoJo. Don't pull another fart prank! 

Before Joseph can even respond a missile hit the helicopter making it spin and crash into the snowy ground. 

Few Hours later near the crash site. 

William: [Getting up] What happened? 

Joseph: [yelling] OH MY GOD! 

William: [leaping to Joseph] What is it? 

Joseph: [scared breathing] ....

William: [looking at the blood filled ground] W-What happened?

???: Hostiles are dead, Captain. Processing to the next area where the pilot is currently. 

Both William and Joseph quickly turn around and see Dustin decloaking. 

Joseph: [surprised] HOLY SHIT! 

Alexandria: Say, Captain? 

William: [looking at her] ??? 

Joseph: What is Alexandria? 

William and Dustin's thoughts: Uh oh. 

William: [yelling to Dustin] Hit the ground!

Joseph: Uh. 

Alexandria: [evil smile and dark aura on her] You shouldn't say that. 

While Dustin cloaks and ran away William hid behind the crash helicopter. 

Alexandria: [start beating Joseph with a thick and heavy tree branch] Never say that name again!

Joseph: [in pain and shock]  Oh God! 

Few minute later when she calmed down making William carry the very much unconscious Joseph on his shoulders as both Alexandria and Dustin leading it. 

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