Domestic & Foreign

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In the President office. 

Jaune: [smoking a cigar] Miss Samatha , I want to ask you if it's possible we can make another town since it became too crowed here? 

Jaune: [smoking a cigar] Miss Samatha , I want to ask you if it's possible we can make another town since it became too crowed here? 

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Samatha: It is possible, Mr. President however just to be safe we need to double the Army size and or militiaman to protect those who want to build a new town. Sir.

Jaune: Your in put,  Anderson? 

Jaune: Your in put,  Anderson? 

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Anderson: Aye, Mr. President it's a great idea. To increase trade with these. 

Jaune: Kingdoms. 

Anderson: Right. It is also a good idea said by Samatha that we need to increase military budget and military to protect our people and national borders. 

General Maxim: I only have one thing to how to do we increase both town militias and National Army? 

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General Maxim: I only have one thing to how to do we increase both town militias and National Army? 

Jaune: [lightly sign] I should have figure this out sooner or later. 

???: May I offer a suggestion? 

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???: May I offer a suggestion? 

Jaune: Fire away, crazy German. 

???: You vnow I hate that, right? 

Jaune: Just messing you, Ulrich. 

Ulrich: [cleaning his eye lenses while his eyes are close] I suggest that we should ask for volunteers rather forcing our citizens to join which would somewhat make our nation into a difficult set of problems. 

Jaune: Very well than. See to that the soldiers and militias pay increase along with better training the area of said new town will be a port town of both civilian and military purposes that is 9 and 1/2 miles from here finally the question of what would be our form of currency?

The oval office is dead silent on the matter making it a rather a odd moment till one of Jaune's secret service agents breaks the odd moment. 

Secret Service agent #1: I reckon we can have two different kind of currency one for local while the other is for foreigners.

Jaune's thought: Lord kill me now. 

Jaune: Go on. 

Secret Service agent #1: The first one for locals will be much like back home meanwhile, the foreign version is for those who are not citizen from us thus making more money in terms of exchange rate of demands and productions. 

Ulrich: Mr. President it would be very wise to take this approach. Also as for asking for volunteers we can recruit faunas with each faunas can greatly add the military and civilian markets and what not. 

Jaune: very well. I prove both of this ideas pass it along to both Congress and Senate for ideas to improve these plans along with giving every citizen of the Confederacy of Remnant the right to bear arms except for criminals they will never own one in a shape nor form. After these plans are finalized bring em to me to either send it back and or approve it. Now I have a appointment to our head researchers about something called a SAW and Humvee, dismissed. 

Everyone except for Jaune and his guards. 

Secret Service agent #2: What's wrong? 

Jaune: [leaning on his chair with his feet on the table] I hoping to God that those two doesn't blow up our Capital during the productions of the experiments they'll be cooking up.  How long will be before Sam breaks through the door AGAIN? 

Secret Service agent #1: it be what the 5th time?

Jaune: 12th actually. [putting his cigar out] Let's get this going. 

Secret Service agents: Yes sir.  

Jaune holsters his pistol and put on his rain coat and hat than they left for the engineering building in a faunas village that is 5 miles away from the capital. 

Qrow: [taking a sip of his booze] I can ask the local villagers for this "civilization" is located. 

He calmly walks towards the village and starts seeing odd clothing and building saying "Confederacy of Remnant recruitment office" staring the sign with curiosity than turning to see another building called a saloon followed by a church. He decided to go the saloon to gather information after few minutes of entering the building he was amazed by the music, ladies in strange clothing and the booze he never heard of such as Rum, Brandy, Whiskey and Coke [Good combo personally]. He toke his seat as the bartender walks to him in a professional and welcoming way. 

Bartender: What will it be yer looking for?

Qrow: May I try what you call Rum? 

The Bartender nods and several minutes later he came with Qrow's drink. 

Qrow: [gently grabbing it and took a gulp] Hmm. Not bad. 

Bartender: [smiling] It's a family trade secret.

A man in his late 20's took his seat next to Qrow as the Bartender only nods and walks away. 

Qrow's thought: [looking at the wild looking man in his dark gray clothes set as if some kind of soldier] A Racoon faunas without a tail?   

Racoon faunas: [staring at Qrow] What do you want, sir? 

Qrow: [looking at the strange faunas] Nothin just want to know where this town is.

The racoon faunas looks at his picture than looking past Qrow and quickly signal his three fellow militiamen to sneak behind him as the racoon faunas slowly grab his pistol from his holster before Qrow notices he was knocked out by one of the three militiamen. 

Rabbit faunas: Boss, what should we do to this spy? 

Human militiamen: I guess we could put him in a wagon and transport him to the county jail and rough him up a bit.  

Snake militiamen: .....

Racoon faunas: Keep this guy out cold we're heading to the capital and I tell Mr. President about this. Move it!

Three of the Racoon faunas men nods and carrying Qrow to the nearest wagon as he pays both for his drink and Qrow's drink than join his men. 


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