Surprise raiding and missing falter ACT 2

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Daniel's POV 

I look at the crash site closely as "Peace Maker" behind me telling me that there's a shit ton of bad guys coming down on the town I made a decision to "Peace Maker" and he look at me like I lost my mind. 

"Peace Maker": [uncomfortable] Uhh, bud. I know you have blood lust but, no we're not going down there! 

Dustin: [watching flares being shot up at us] Some one is down there! 

"Peace Maker" quickly get on my side with a stern and worried look on his face telling me it's my call than I got on my microphone and call it to the General. 

Dustin: General permission to protect survivors of the downed helicopter till friendly to pick us up, over? 

General MacTavish: Negative, proceed to support the rest of the combat teams. 

Dustin: It's confirmed either pilots survived. I say again confirmed survivors permission to hold out till evac arrives, over? 

General MacTavish: [lightly sigh] You do know what you're ask right? 

Dustin: [cocking his sniper rifle] Yes sir. "Peace Maker" agree to come with me. 

General MacTavish: Permission granted and God speed. MacTavish out. 

"Peace Maker": Do you know that we may die right? 

Dustin: [real smiling] Yeah, but we may be forgotten however in this life we will be remember of saving those guys on the ground's life see you in hell, my friend. 

He didn't say a word when we finally hit the ground after taking off we made a mad dash to the crash site seeing one guy died by being impaled by a construction rod through chest while the other is alive its Pixy that when the bullets start hitting us "Peace Maker" put him on his shoulders we start running to the half destroyed house after "Peace Maker" gently lay Pixy in the corner overlooking the way we came in I ran into the helicopter and start shooting at the enemy. 

"Peace Maker" POV 

After I saw Dustin getting shot in the head after he yelled his has one clip left I turn to Pixy and given him my Smith&Wessen revolver and MP 5 than ran into the helicopter grabbing the rifle and continue shooting after the gun's ammo was gone I use his pistol at the same time use a timed stick of TNT after setting the timer i felt a huge pain in my right ear still firing my friend's pistol as another bullet got me in the gut making fall on my rear seeing Pixy with a horrified expression and I smiled and weakly holding out the timed/lit TNT stick than four of the God knows how much of the CPS army is closing my eyes and took one final breath. 

Pixy's POV

When one of the enemy soldier ran past me I used last of the ammo at him after he fall quickly grabbing the revolver and the headset that is still good to use and dragging myself in the bathroom than locking it and thank god there's no windows than a huge and loud explosion was felt and heard making me sad losing another two good friends because of this fucking war. 

Pixy: This is Pixy! Does anyone hear me over? 

Alex: Yeah, Where are you? 

Pixy: A shack that is half gone and now hiding in the bathroom and can't walk. I can't feel anything waste down. 

Alex: What Color? 

Pixy: Brown I think. See black smoke? 

Alex: Yes sir, it's 3 miles away from our AL [Actual Location]! Be there in a hour! 

Pixy: [very depressed] Be careful. It's very large numbers here. The fuckers got "Peace Maker" and Dustin. I'm armed with "Peace Maker" revolver and have six bullets. I be waiting, out. 

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