Runaway Villager

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I woke up and see my room which is nothing out of the ordinary as I get up and walk to the living room and watching the news with my family. 

???: Before you go to signal make sure that you-. 

???: [yelling] Shut it the news is on! 

Everyone one of us watch the Vale news. 

Vale reporter: We have confirmed that the kingdom calling themselves Confederacy of Remnant just attack and deliberately attack a Atlas convey and killing civilians here is the footage. 

We watch the footage than switched back to the reporter. 

Vale reporter: There is no statements from the newly formed kingdom however,  the kingdom of Atlas, Vacuo formed a alliance called Central Powers during this report it's official that Vale and Mistral declared themselves natural in this war. This is reporter Ashly. Good day. 

Dad cut the TV off making all of us quite to process this information. My elder brother Vic said. 

Vic: [walking to the door] I'm joining Atlas. 

Dad: At a boy! William go with him!

William:  [standing up] No. I won't join Atlas. I responded.  

Dad: [very angrily] Get out and never return. 

I walk out of the house with a map and secretly pit pocketed Vic that in turn I have 200 Lien. Enough to head for the Kingdom and join the Confederacy. Oum give me strength. 

Vic's POV

Vic's thought: Damn that traitor! I cant believe I'm related to the piece of shit!

I bitterly thought to myself after I got on my truck and drove to the nearest post to join in the war. 

William's POV: 

I'm down to my last bit of money and ended up in quite little town decided to enter the bar for a drink than seeing Atlas soldiers having a bit too much fun most likely drunk. I slowly approach one of the officers quickly pick pocket his satchel for extra cash than took a small folder than hid it underneath my shirt than calmly walk off luckily no one notice except for two people who ask my to follow em and so I did. They led me to a descent sized room than one of the two force me to the ground and tie me down than putting me on a chair the other pointed his odd gun at me. The man finished tiering me and sitting on a different chair in front of me.

Man: You have good skill in sneaking, boy. 

William: ....

Man: Let's see the file. 

He gets up and open the file and quickly reading it than smiled. 

Man: [still reading] How old are you and name? 

William: [looking very scared] 16 and a half, my birthday is in two days and I be 17. It's William.

Man: I see. 

The strange man returned to his seat with a curious look.

Man: My name is also William. Do you know who are you chatting with, um? 

William: ???

Man #2: William sempai, you can't inform him. 

William: [looking at his friend] He got the files that we need. 

He turn back to me and a small smile which is making me even more nervous.

William: Call me, Liquid. We are Confederate soldiers, 23th recon battalion doing spying stuff. We want to take you with us as your eyes are telling me the fact that you wish to join us as well. If you refuse I will cut through throat and we will leave without a trace. What says you? 

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