A new man

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Three months later after the daring raid with much given intelligence recovered at the P.O.W. outpost our squad survives the ordeal believing the taken out Vickers with the bomb however, they didn't know that he survived now his thirst for blood even father increased sadly, William arrived at a Confederate research R&D base and was taken to the surgery table. 

William's POV

I open my eyes and everything is hazy and somewhat a blur my head and lungs hurt so badly just want to die. I look to my left and see Big Boss and Huey along with Liquid, Pixy, and Alexandria. The doctors put a mask of some sorts on my face than passing out. 

Pixy's POV

Those monsters using chemical warfare they have truly went that low. Now, William's life is on the line. Why do they hate us so much to use this low blow tactic? 

Pixy: I'm going to find that base or whatever the hell it is and destroy it before another attack like that can be used to kill more innocents. No will stop me from this mission. 

Big Boss: Sorry, kid, that can wait. You're mission is to train the pilots that are willing to take back their homes. 

Pixy: [looking at him confused] What do you mean? 

Big Boss: The Central Powers just took over Vale and six of the best bulkhead pilots want the piece of action. 

Pixy: [smirking]  Aces in exile, uh? 

Big Boss nods and handing Pixy the file than Pixy walking away as Alexander and Liquid steps up. 

Liquid Snake: [very concerned] Father, what will we do now that one of our best if not crazy field operatives is out of commission?  

Alexandria: Sir, I'm still with William. 

Big Boss: Follow me to my office I will explain what I'm going to do to save his life. 

They nod than follow Big Boss. 

Meanwhile back at Atlas Capital that perform a experiment to cross machine with human they put the half burnt body on the table and proceed to operate on him. 

Bio engineer: Himmler, sir. You sure this idea of yours would even work? 

 You sure this idea of yours would even work? 

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[NOT Supporting them so don't get any ideas. It's just a picture nothing more, nothing less.] 

Himmler: [very evil smile] Yes, my dear doctor. It should vork. It be the first for our first super human. Full freedom, depends on one's will and mind. A perfect soldier if this is complete we will surprise every traits of the same or more of those less desired people with merely any human traits. I vave full confidence in this project, mein doctor as you should you too unless you want to be one of my experiments in which is not running out of said ideas of mine. 

Bio engineer: Uh- Yeah. On it!  

The bio engineer runs to the surgery table as Himmler took in sickly amusement, as if watching  $&$nhub. 

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