Experimental deployment.

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In the briefing room a week later with everyone in the seat as the intel officers came in and stand beside the movie screen. 

Intel officer #1: Let's get this over with. 

[Important: USE Ace Combat 4 for mission briefing scene.]

Intel officer #2: Y'all being deployed here. Near a semi major town home to one of the Central Powers' war factories that we can use the locals for basic intel gathering but be warned once your squad, Pixy has landed everything is procure on-site or P.O.S.  you only be armed with KA-BAR KA1245-BRK, Hush puppy with built in suppressors and lastly Civilian clothing that has CSA tag so that when you get extra hands, supplies and the likes we will know it you guys at the meeting site. Be warned that there bulkheads around the area along with garrison in that town. Once your squad clear the town from any threats use the code name: Bunker shot so we can use the surrounding area as our lunching point straight to Vacuole's capital thus, we can focus taking out Jacob also our spy in Atlas told us that Jacob did a coup d'état and over threw both Ironwood and their so called "governing council ". 

Pixy: [raise his hand] Sir? 

Intel officer #1: Yes? 

Pixy: Will we have any explosives to aid us on riding their factories and air field? 

Intel officer #1: Thanks, for reminding me. Yeah, in your deployment bags contains 15 pounds worth of C-4 so, don't get carried away. Looking at you, Archer. 

Archer [smirks]: I have no idea what you're talking about, sir. 

Intel officer #1: Today is you're lucky day. You guys being using the proto type orbital drop ship pod or ODOP. Jack can explain. 

Jack: You four be put into the pods than loaded onto our X-37 than fire each by five second release also upon landing you be landing in different places around the same area, if I was you guy be talking bout where to meet up. Dismissed. 

Pixy: [very nervous] First time seeing space. 

Aurelian: How bad can it be?

Archer and Pixy [watching him walking out of the room]: Bet you $235 that he be either cry and or puking? 

Pixy: Bet you $300, he won't? 

Archer: Deal! 

Pixy: [walking with Archer to the changing room] Do you know who's the forth member? 

Archer: From what I heard it was either James or Frank. 

Pixy: Frank as in Frank Woods! 

Archer: My adoptive Dad? Yeah. 

Everyone in the hallway including Pixy stops what they're doing and stare at Archer. 

Archer: [very confused] What? 

Pixy: Never mind! Come on! 

Archer: Ok? 

Few hours later in orbit. 

Pixy: << Everyone, ok?>>

Aurelian praying in Latin.

Archer: <<I won also he's scared shitless.>>

Pixy: <<I pay when we get back home, got it?>> 

Archer: <<Wilco.>> 

Pilot: <<Drop in ten seconds, God speed>> 

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