First act of war!

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A/N: Pretend it the dragon continent. 

Overlord: Snake 0-1, do you read me? 

???: Yeah. 

Overlord: Good, there's been a crash that Pixy's squadron shot down around 1650 hours go to the site and search for survivors. Overlord, out.

???: How many are we looking at Cap? 

???: No more than 15 maybe less than that. Get the team ready I want to get these guys before they find a way home. 

???: Let's do this. 

Near the site Snake 0-1 lead by Meryl [Snake 0-1], Wilhelm [Snake 0-2], Jeffie [Snake 0-3], and  Samuel [Snake 0-4]. 

Meryl: [walking to the site] Two yard spread watch your six. 

They spread out but close enough to see each other they reach the site behind a few large rock formations hid behind it as the survivors start coming out disorientated and disorganized leaving themselves wide open. 

Meryl's Pov

I hid behind the rock and carefully listening to the survivors just when I give my team the signal to hold and listen to these Mongols. 

Atlas soldier #2: What was that? 

Atlas soldier #3: My arm. Where is it? 

Atlas soldier: Ozpin's son is out cold but is wounded. It's just us two, Corporal. 

Corporal: The nearest port is five miles due west but can't carry these 6 wounded men plus Oz will have our heads if we leave his son behind. 

Atlas soldier: Maybe-. 

Before he could be finished what he was saying he was shot in the head followed by his friend only leaving the wounded than Snake team came out of hiding and set up a Look out post. 

Meryl: This is Snake 0-1, site is clear few offered a fight but take care off requesting a pick up team along with a medical team. 

Overlord: Roger that, Snake 0-1. Your ride is three miles, out.

Samuel: What about these wounded, sir? 

Meryl: Choose only two the rest is expandable. If they can walk let em. 

They choose Ozpin's son and the pilot than killed the rest of the would be survivors off than putting them in a pile, pour gas on them then lit it up. When the helicopter was finished loading the survivors and Snake team they head to Fort Sumpter. 

Few weeks later in the Oval office. 

Jaune: Let those teacher and group return to their homes however we keep his son here as a bargaining chip.

Maxima: why? 

Jaune's cabinet listen closely. 

Jaune: [messaging his tables] So that Ironwood won't step foot on this land followed by taking our weapons only to end up in the White Fang or God knows what.

Than Velvet went through the doors to the office and stares at Jaune. 

Jaune: [staring back] Yes? 

Velvet: [blushing] Want to stay with you! 

Jaune: Hey, Jake. 

One of his secret service agent steps up. 

Jake: Yes sir? 

Jaune: Bring the surprise, please also Yang and Coco. 

Half hour later. 

Jaune: [kneeling in front of her] Velvet, would you marry me? 

He shows her the ring and she starting to cry.

Velvet: [crying] Y- Yes! 

Jaune stands up and put his wife's ring onto Velvet left hand index figure while everyone is clapping and cheering for them as both Velvet and Jaune tells everyone in the room that the wedding is next month on the 6th. Suddenly one of his guards pulls out a hologram of Ironwood. 

Ironwood: [very angry voice] I knew it was you, Jaune.

Jaune: What do you want? 

Ironwood: I demand you release his son and give your tech to us so-. 

Jaune: How bout this? Go fuck yourself and your dead mother and two I ain't going to give it to the likes of you vermis. 

Ironwood: We need the tech to-. 

Jaune: To do what help White Fang steal and do God knows what with it along finding a new way to harm faunas like my wife? Listen here, dumass. IF you want my nation's weapon is when you take it from our cold dead hands! Good day. 

He cuts the transmission and than look at his staff.    

Jaune: Prepare for war with Atlas. I want to enact a national drift along increase producing of weapons, ships, planes, and vehicles to defend ourselves with! 

Everyone except for Coco, Velvet, and Yang: Yes, Mr. President. 

Secret Service Agent: First Lady and your friends please follow me. 

Jaune's thought: War never changes does it not?

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