Surprise raiding and mission falter Act 1

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A/N: Being honest here. This is my little tribute for the guys we lost in that event also badass movie also some more major characters deaths with hardly any plot armor and couple minor characters. 

Months later at the recent captured airbase in a secret area of Vale in a Barracks. With Alex now in charge of team Oni sitting on her bed. 

Alex: [reading cooking magazine] This looks very tasty.

Alex: [reading cooking magazine] This looks very tasty

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A/n: Weisswurst [one of the best meats ever!]

Than a balled up paper hit Alex's head. 

Alex: [angry] Who the hell did that!?!

Sandman: Relax, Mason. 

Alex: [continue reading her magazine] What is it, Sandman? Did Frost got you again with his antics? 

Sandman: [tardily sigh] You should really stop reading my mind, Mason. 

Alex: [smiling] Nope. It's more fun that way. 

Sandman: We may have our second mission together. 

Alex: I remember. You think it'll end the war? 

Sandman: Hoping. 

Alex: When? 

Sandman: [sitting beside her] Briefing starting at 0800 hours. [8:00 AM] 

Alex checking her watch and it 0635 hours [6:35 AM] than seeing her small team still sleeping along with Sandman's team except for Grouch who is paying more attention to cleaning his rifle.  Remembering their sharing the same barrack and the only female in it making certain paranoia issues. [Like certain anime series I know off] 

Sandman: [standing up than turn to and offer his hand] General MacTavish want to see us for a pick up errand ran. 

Alex: [looking at him with curiosity] It sounds more of a date than a errand, Sandman. 

Sandman: [lightly blushing] It's nothing of that! 

Alex takes his hand and get up than putting her light combat gear on than hop into the helicopter with Sandman as the helicopter takes off during mid flight Sandman start talking through the headphone/speaker. 

Sandman: We're picking up Frost at a river about 4 miles away from our current A.L. so bout 40 minutes. 

Alex: Why we picking him up? 

Sandman: He been to recon and intel gathering for bout 7 weeks along with Demon 0-3 from the air for the small city that the supposed meeting to be held. 

After they pick up Frost and heading back with Alex sleeping, Sandman staring out into space as Frost seeing a heard of wildebeest after both Pilots, Alex and Sandman hears a chocking sound of a gun everyone turn to Frost saying how bout fresh meat for lunch? Everyone agreed shortly after getting two large dead animals onto the black hawk lands back onto one of the helipads few maintains crew grab both wildebeest carcasses into the cafeteria for prepping and what not. The fresh meat persuade the General to hold on the meeting and time to 1200 hours [12:00 PM] for the special meat. Alex check on both her and Sandman's team smelling the fresh meat cooking [because their barrack is the closest to the cooking area waking everyone up than informing them about the meeting at 1130 hours [11:30 AM] while lunch is 1054 hours [10:54 AM] meanwhile in the recording room with Frost on his work desk trying not to pass out from long ass recon while his co worker is dealing with a new recruit. 

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