Shock & Awe (part 1)

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[One of my all time favorite video games also they're will be some people to be used as referencing.]

Fighter pilot #2: << Blaze, what do you think about these unknown targets?>>

Blaze: << Archer, I swear you need to be quite once in a while.>>

Fighter Pilot #3: << I got your six, Pixy.>>

Pixy: << Got it buddy.>>

Pixy: << Mobius, try not to chase your enemies like last time, ok?>>

Mobius: << No promises.>> 

Blaze: <<Knowing you, Mobius? You're going to give the possible hostiles that much problem.>>

Mobius: <<If they start firing at us that is.>>

Archer: <<Speak of the devil, guys. They're up ahead.>>

Pixy: <<I got this.>>

In the bulkheads in Ruby's POV.

Professor Port is doing his best to keep everyone occupied by teaching us history I mean actual history and for once I'm not bored than our pilots came on. 

Bulkhead pilot #2: Sir, you want to talk to these people that are on frequency 759.20 FM. 

Professor Port: [smiling and very uneasy] My friend please, put it on speaker. 

Pixy: << Attention bulkhead pilot and those in it please Identify yourself and what purpose you have 30 seconds to reply or you will be shot down.>>

Everyone looking at the professor and hoping to Oum he won't say something to anger these guys. 

Pixy: You have 14 seconds this your last warning, respond now. 

Professor Port: Young man, we are from Beacon and searching for the distress beacon that Headmaster Ozpin had sent us. 

Pixy: << I see. Give me sometime to notify the Air Force base for you to land in. Wait for a few minutes.>>

Pixy switch frequency back to 102.99 FM. 

Pixy: << Air Force militia base, Johnson come in.>>   

Air Force base: I read you. Go ahead.

Pixy: <<Code Velvet, I repeat code Velvet. Get the MP armed and read to detain em.>>

Air Fore base: Roger that. By the time you hit here they be ready. Out

Pixy: << Don't fire unless fired upon, War dog squadron.>>  

Blaze, Archer, and Mobius: << Roger that, Captain." 

Pixy turn the frequency back to 759.20 FM. 

Pixy: <<Right, you're permission to land is granted however follow us and DON'T try anything stupid or we Will shoot you asses down. Got it?>>

Professor Port: Understood. 

I have bad feeling about this and the pilot spoken to our Professor with venom and pure hatered. As we continue to ride Yang and I start to see a large Airport it blew our minds along with the others even our Professor which is rare of itself.  

On the ground with the MP soldiers with lethal ammo approved in case they get hostile and refuse to obey. 

MP officer: Alright, Jets. Once they land surrounded them and strip everything except clothes including the ones that Mr. Presidents wants to see personally!

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