Chapter 7

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I finally made it to my parents house. I parked up on the driveway and when I looked up I saw my brother Shane stood at the front door grinning at me. I started to laugh whilst getting out the car.

“And what would you be grinning about?” I asked him smiling

“Oh lots of things really. The first thing would be that my baby sister has finally come home to visit and the second thing would be the fact that she’s finally got rid of that prick she was with” he laughed at me

I walked up to him and hugged him, my head resting on his chest “I’ve missed you so much Shane!”

His chest started to shake as he laughed at me before whispering back “missed you too lil sis”

We both turned round when we heard our mum coming out of the house “is that my baby girl home?” she asked as she pulled me into an embrace.

“Hey mum” I whispered as I hugged her back. My mum was the spitting image of me except for short hair and she was shorter than me!

She looked at me closely “you know you look happier now you’re not with Ben” she smiled at me

"I feel happier” I said to her proudly

“Great! Right lets go inside, I’ve baked some scones and there’s a pot of tea just been made. Your dads outside in the garden but I’ll call him in”

Me and Shane followed our mum inside the house. His arm was slung carelessly round my shoulders. We had always been close me and Shane due to the fact he was only 2 years older than me. I was friends with all his guy friends much to his dismay but then he had, had his fair share of my friends growing up if you know what I mean! Sarah still adored Shane even though she had never gone there with him. We all went through to the kitchen where my dad was sat at the kitchen table. All I could smell were the freshly cooked scones sitting on the plate on the table. I just loved the smell of home!

“Is that my little girl?” my dad looked up from his paper as I walked over to him to give him a hug. “Amy I swear you get more beautiful every time I see you”

Shane laughed “I think that’s just your eyesight going dad!” everyone laughed. Shane had always been the joker of the family. With his 6 ft. frame and blonde hair, he always had girls falling over to be with him but right now he had been single for the past year after his last relationship ended after 18 months.

We all sat down whilst my mum poured the teas and passed us all a scone with butter and jam. We spent the next few hours all catching up with each other. My dad told me all about the vegetable garden he had set up in the garden and my mum told me all about her new job in the local shop. I had missed being with my parents but they had moved away when I got my own flat and Shane only moved here last year when he split with his then girlfriend. They had bought their dream house and I was happy for them even though it meant a 4 hour drive to see them! My parents were going out tonight so Shane was on babysitting duty as he called it! We ordered a Chinese and set ourselves up in the lounge. Our mum had provided us with a bottle of wine for me and lagers for Shane. The x factor was on so we sat down to watch whilst serving the Chinese. Lenny our dog was curled at my feet.

“So sis how are you really coping since you and twathead split up?” Shane turned to ask me as we both were sat on the sofa.

I took a deep breath “I’m really doing great Shane. I’m so much happier since we split up. I realise now that he was just draining all the life out of me. I hardly went out and if I did it was only ever with Ben or Sarah. He just turned me into such a hermit when he used to go out all the time! So now the real me is coming out and I’m enjoying it” I smiled at him

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