Chapter 21

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When I got home that afternoon I slumped down onto the sofa with a cup of tea and finally thought about everything.

I was going to be a mum and a single mum at that! Should I even tell Cal? What would he say if I did? He made it clear that he didn’t want children and here I was pregnant with his baby! I was in a complete mess to be honest and I knew that I would have to tell people at some point.

About an hour later, Sarah came walking into the flat. I looked up as she came in the lounge

“So?” she beamed asking me

I nodded and smiled “I’m pregnant”

“Yay!” she screamed and ran over to me engulfing me in a hug on the sofa

“Hey, you’re squashing me!” I laughed “pregnant lady here!”

“Whoops” she shrugged as she got off me “I’m so happy for you Amy!” she smiled warmly at me

“Thank you but now everything just gets hard” I told her

“How do you mean?” Sarah questioned

“Well for starters do I tell Cal?” I asked

“Hmmmmm have you heard from him?”

I shook my head “not since we broke up”

“Well he’s going to find out at some point babe. Best to just do it” she shrugged

“I guess. But I’m just dreading how he’s going to react” I frowned

“I’m sure he will be fine. He has 2 choices, he either helps or he just leaves you to it”

“That’s true. I guess I better tell my parents too” I grimaced

“How do you think they will take it?”

“I think they will be ok. They know I’m not stupid. I think they will be more worried about me being a single mum to be honest darl. And I’m pretty sure they will ask me to move closer to them”

“Would you?”

I turned to look at her “I guess that depends on what happens and I how I feel”

She nodded “well I’m happy for you and you know me and Jake will always be here for you ok? I best go so that you can ring your mum” she smiled

“Thanks darl. I’ll give you a ring later”

Sarah left as I picked up my phone to ring mum.

*ring ring*

“Hello?” my mum asked

“Hi mum, glad to see you still haven’t got caller id” I laughed

“You are cheeky Amy Jenkins! How are you love?”

“I get it from you mum” I took a deep breath “I’m good mum but I’ve got some news. Please don’t panic and please just listen. I’m 12 weeks pregnant” I whispered


“Is that everything?” I nervously laughed

“I’m guessing its Cal’s?” she asked

“Yup, it is”

“Is he happy with this?” she asked

Oh dear here goes! I thought

“I haven’t told him yet as we broke up”

“Why did you break up darling? And why didn’t you tell me?”

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