Chapter 22

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I watched Cal’s retreating back as a lone tear trickled down my cheek “I’ll always love you too” I whispered back knowing that he wouldn’t be able to hear. I stood there for a moment when I heard a throat clear behind me.

“Come on Amy, come back inside” Liam told me as he guided me back inside the flat. He walked me over to the sofa where he sat me down and before I knew that I was crying in his arms as he rubbed my back soothingly.

“Why do I get the feeling that there’s something you’re not telling me Amy?” he asked quietly as I looked at him through my teary eyes.

I sniffed as I wiped some of the tears away “if I tell you something, can you promise that you won’t tell anyone?” I asked quietly

He nodded “I promise Amy” he whispered

“Liam I’m pregnant. And Cal doesn’t know. I never told him because he told me he didn’t want children and now I’ve gone and got pregnant and he’s left to go to Spain. I really don’t know what to do. My mum wants me to move to be closer to them which I’m thinking about but Sarah wants me to stay here. But in the end how the hell do I tell Cal?! Either way he’s going to come back from Spain and find out I’m pregnant!” I started sobbing again in Liam’s arms as his hands continued to soothe me.

“Amy everything’s going to be fine. It’s up to you what you want to do and it’s up to Cal that when he does find out, he needs to decide what he wants to do but I promise you Amy that I will be here for you with whatever you need ok? I’m not going anywhere” he told me as he pulled me closer for a hug. I wrapped my arms around his neck as I felt his warmth comforting me.

“Thank you Liam. I really appreciate that” I whispered into his neck and then I felt him bend down and kiss my forehead

“When is your next appointment?” he asked as I pulled away

“It’s in 4 weeks. I’ve got some tests and their going to do a 16 week scan for me” I smiled warmly

“Would you like me to come with you?” Liam asked quietly

I nodded “I would love you to come with me Liam” I grinned

The rest of the afternoon passed with Liam running a bath for me and keeping me hydrated with cups of tea. He also cooked me tea which was lovely as he made us spaghetti Bolognese which was lush! He had even gone out to buy what we needed for it. We were then settled on the sofa watching some TV when there was a knock at the front door.

“I’ll get that for you Amy” Liam smiled as he got up to go and answer the door. I heard voices and then Liam came walking back through with Sarah and Jake.

“Hey darl” Sarah smiled as she came to sit next to me, giving me a hug before she sat down “how are you feeling?” she asked

I smiled “I’m feeling fine. Liam has been great, he ran me a bath, cooked my tea and provided me with about a million cups of tea” I laughed

“Speaking of would anyone like a drink?” Liam asked everyone

“I’ll come and help you Liam” Sarah told him leaving Jake with me as we had told them what we wanted.

“How are you holding up?” Jake asked

“I’m guessing Sarah has told you?” I replied

He nodded “I hope you don’t mind Amy. I promise I won’t tell Cal. It wouldn’t be my place to tell him anyways”

“But Jake he’s your best mate” I frowned

“Yeah he may be but you are like a sister to me and family comes first Amy. And he’s treated you horribly, which I’ve told him! I’m glad Liam has been here for you though, he really does care about you” he looked at me seriously “Cal left about an hour ago. He wanted me to tell you that he doesn’t know when he will be back or even if he’s coming back” he frowned

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