Chapter 43

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1 month later

It was now the beginning of April and not to sound too cliché but spring was definitely upon us! Sarah was due any minute now so we were all on tender hooks and we were all on emergency standby in case she went into labour!

Me and Cal were still doing great and we were happier than ever! I still hadn’t spoken to him about trying for a baby yet though, I just didn’t know how to start the conversation.

I was browsing around the shops on a rare day off when my mobile rang. I rummaged through my bag to find the item, to see that Jake was calling me. I quickly pressed answer

“Well I don’t usually hear from you” I laughed

“Amy, its Sarah, she’s gone into labour!” Jake mumbled in a rush on the phone

“Oh wow! Where are you guys?” I asked

“Were at the hospital. I’m now going to ring Cal so can you guys meet us here?” he asked sounding desperate

“well I know I definitely can, but he’s football training with a youth team right now so I’m not sure if he can just leave” I told him “if he doesn’t answer, leave a message and I’m sure he will get back to you as soon as he can. In the meantime I’m on my way!” I told him smiling

“Great thank you Amy! She’s saying its all my fault” he whispered

“Oh Jake! She’s going to say a lot of things that she doesn’t mean right now ok? Just take it on the chin” I smiled

“Ok I’ll try. Please hurry Amy”

I laughed “see you soon!” I then hung up and quickly went out of the shop and went to my car.

Twenty minutes later and I was standing in the reception of the hospital.

“Hi I’m looking for Sarah Bailey?” I asked

“Hang on and I’ll just check for you” the receptionist smiled as she turned to her computer and began typing “oh yes she’s in maternity, room 25” she smiled

“Thank you!” I called as I rushed to the maternity ward

I quickly made my way there and I could hear Sarah from down the hallway! As I got there I found Jake outside pacing

“Oh Amy thank god!” he said to me as he flung his arms around me

“Are you ok?” I laughed

“She’s kicked me out as this is my entire fault” he told me

“Let me go and speak to her” I smiled

“Your funeral” he smiled at me as I walked into the room. Sarah looked up at me and smiled

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