Chapter 26

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To say I didn’t sleep very well that night is a complete understatement! All I could think about was how Cal was on his way home. How would he be? We hadn’t exactly left things that well without all this to be added to the problems! I was pretty scared to be honest about how he would be with me. Would he hate me? Would he feel sorry for me? Would he be gutted that he had lost his daughter too?

I also didn’t sleep well due to the flashbacks I was experiencing of the accident. The police were coming to speak to me today but all I could remember was seeing Bens face as we crashed. Was he the driver? And if he was why would he do such a thing? I knew he was a prick but to try and kill me?

I heard the door open and in came Liam. He looked a lot better than what he did yesterday. He came and sat next to me and gave me a big smile.

“You look better” he smiled

I rolled my eyes at him “I still look shit Liam. And I hardly slept last night. You look better though” I added

He looked at me questionably “how come you didn’t sleep well?” he asked. Shit, he has no idea that Cal is on his way home. Well actually by now, he must be back in England.

“Lots of things. The police are coming to speak to me today. I keep having flashbacks about the accident and Jake dropped a bombshell on me last night that Cal is coming home after Jake decided to tell him everything” I risked a glance at Liam when I told him about cal. His whole facial expression changed and he didn’t look happy.

“Oh” he cleared his throat “how do you feel about Cal coming home? We still haven’t spoken about us either Amy”

“My head is all over the place Liam. That’s all I can say right now. Sorry” I whispered

He nodded as if he understood and gave me a small smile as Sarah came in the room.

"Morning babe” she smiled “sorry to interrupt but the police are here to speak to you ok? “She turned to Liam “they want us out of the room so that they can speak to her privately” Sarah gave me another big smile and left the room

“I better go then. I’ll see you later Amy” Liam told me as he left. Yup he was pissed off with me. Brilliant!

“Miss Jenkins?” the officer asked me as he came in with a lady a bit older than me

I nodded “that’s me”

“I’m inspector Miller and this is Di Banks” they walked over and took their seats next to my bed. “What do you remember about the accident?” they asked

“Erm Liam was driving me and as he was driving another vehicle crashed into my side of the car. I don’t remember seeing anything else apart from my ex-boyfriends face but that’s when I blacked out. And I’m not really sure why I saw his face” I frowned

“That’s a Ben Matthews?” the lady asked me

I nodded “yeah that’s him. How do you know?”

They looked at each other and then back again at me “I’m afraid Ben Matthews was the driver of the car who crashed into you. We have arrested him on the grounds of dangerous driving, attempted murder and manslaughter. We don’t know why he decided to do it though and for that we need your help. Ben has requested that he comes and speaks with you. We believe that you may be able to get it out of him about why he did it. Would you be ok with that?”

I thought about it for a moment. If I found out why he wanted to kill me then maybe I would be able to cope with it better? “Will I be safe?” I asked

The officers nodded “he will be in handcuffs, there will be an officer in the room as well and the whole thing will be recorded for court purposes”

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