Chapter 36

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It was 2 weeks after our visit to my parents and we were now in the middle of October. I hadn’t seen Sarah at all since we got back and it felt like she was avoiding me at work. The texts I had sent her had gone unresponded and even Jake didn’t know what was wrong as Cal had asked him at their football practices. Cal said that Jake seemed surprised that I hadn’t heard from her.

I wasn’t aware of anything that I had done wrong but I decided to give her space and let her come round when she was ready. Sarah was stubborn and I knew not to press her!

Luckily, Jamie at work was turning out to be a great friend and he was really helping me out with the Sarah situation as he would sit with me at lunch! Cal had also met us one evening after work at the pub so that he could get to know him and Jamie has now joined his football team so a new friend for Cal! But I was glad that they got on, I really didn’t want a similar situation to what happened with Liam. I still hadn’t spoken to Liam and I think he just needed some space so that he could sort his head out.

It was Saturday afternoon and Cal was playing a football match so I was in my flat doing housework when I heard a knock at the door. I stood the hoover back up and walked over to the front door. I hesitantly opened it as I wasn’t sure who it was as no one had called to say they were coming over and it was too late for it to be the postman!  But when I did open it I found Sarah stood looking rather sheepish in front of me.

“Hi Amy” she whispered shuffling uncomfortably

“You’re finally talking to me then” I snapped, the hurt I felt was evident in my voice

“Amy I am so sorry. If you just let me in then I will explain everything” I could see tears in her eyes as she made eye contact with me

I moved to open the door to let Sarah pass by me. I then followed her through to the lounge where we sat down on the sofa.

“Go on then, explain” I told her turning to face her

“Amy, first you have to know that I never meant to ignore you for 2 weeks”

“Yeah well you did Sarah” I bit back

“I know and I am so sorry! Jake told me to tell you sooner but I just didn’t know how you would take it and I was so scared Amy. The last thing I ever wanted was for you to hate me” tears were spilling from her eyes

“Sarah, what is so big that you couldn’t tell me? Ignoring me for 2 weeks isn’t exactly what best friends do but I could never hate you!” I told her grabbing her hand to comfort her

“Amy I’m pregnant” she whispered as she wiped away more tears that were threatening to spill from her eyes

“Sarah that’s fantastic news! How could you think that I would think otherwise?” I asked her

“I was worried that because you lost your baby, that you wouldn’t be happy for me. I was so worried that you would resent me Amy and that’s the last thing I want!”

“Sarah, I’m your best friend! Why on earth would I resent you having something so beautiful and precious? I’m so unbelievably happy for you and Jake! You’re going to make great parents”

“Thank you Amy. I am so sorry that I’ve been like this towards you. Shall I put it down to the hormones?” she asked smiling

“I think that’s a good idea” I laughed

We spent the rest of the afternoon talking and catching up. I told her what had happened with my parents and meeting Shane’s new girlfriend. She was happy for me that my dad had seemed to forgive him for what had happened. The boys eventually came back after their match. Sarah had text Jake to say she was here so he came back with Cal. They both walked in covered in mud!

“I believe congratulations are in order” I smiled at Jake as he walked in. I walked across the room and hugged him although trying not to touch him too much due to the mud!

“Thanks Amy. I’m glad Sarah finally came round and told you. I’ve been bugging her too ever since we found out but you know her when she’s being stubborn!” Jake laughed

“Congrats Sarah. Jake told me earlier as he knew you were coming over to tell Amy” Cal smiled at Sarah warmly

“Thanks Cal” she grinned back “right well I suppose we better leave you guys to it hey?”

I gave Sarah a hug “please don’t think that you ever can’t tell me something” I whispered in her ear

“I’ll never do it again, I promise” she smiled

Sarah walked over to Jake and Cal walked them out “bye guys” I called to them and they shouted bye back. I heard the front door close and a few moments later Cal walked through to the lounge. I took a seat on the sofa and Cal joined me.

“How are you feeling?” Cal asked as he put his arm around me. I frowned as he was covered in mud which just made him laugh “the mud is dry now babe. Ill hoover it up if I leave a mess” he grinned

“Hmmmmm ok then but I’m fine why?” I replied forcing a smile

“Amy we promised to be honest with each other. I know there’s something wrong so please tell me babe. What’s up?”

I took a deep breath “is it wrong of me to be jealous that she’s pregnant and I’m not?” I asked

“Amy that’s perfectly natural. You’re missing what you had and that’s fine. Hell, I’m a little bit jealous of Jake that he’s going to be a dad but Amy our time will come and we will be amazing parents ok? You need to believe that”

I nodded “ok I’ll try”

“But in the meantime you should tell Sarah how your feeling. She was honest with you about it all and you need to do the same Amy”

I sighed and put my head back on the sofa and looked up at the ceiling “you’re always right” I grinned turning to look at him

“And it would be good if you remembered that” he laughed

“I love you Cal”

“I love you too Amy” he smiled getting up off the sofa “now would my gorgeous girlfriend like a cup of tea?” he asked

“That would be amazing thank you” I beamed

I watched Cal walk into the kitchen and then I turned to look out of the window. Would Sarah understand how I was feeling? I needed to tell her ASAP about how I was feeling before things got awkward because of it.

Authors note

Hmmmmm not my best chapter and im not quite happy with it but I guess ill sort it out when I do all the editing!

Anyways, this was more of a filler chapter so not much action im afraid but I hope you all liked it anyway! What do you all think to Sarah being pregnant? and is Amy right to feel the way she does?

Just to say Chapter 29 of Broken has been updated to include what happened to Ben and Jenny as it came to my attention yesterday that I hadn't told you guys what happened to them! So have a read to clear that up if you had wondered :)

A big hello to all the new readers of Broken and once again thank you to everyone who is reading/commenting/voting I really do appreciate it! This chapter is dedicated too MsBella2 for all her votes :) Thank you!

And a big day for me as I was offered a job today! So im mega happy right now! :)

Much love

Leanne xxxx

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