Chapter 44

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June- 2 months later

Well George was now 2 months old and he really was just so gorgeous! Me and Cal were fulfilling our godparent duties by babysitting a few times and Cal was so good with him!

We had been trying for a baby since a week after George was born. My doctor was confident that I wouldn’t have any trouble falling pregnant so now it was just a waiting game. But lately I had been feeling sick and I had missed a period but I just didn’t want to get my hopes up.

I was going round Sarah’s to see her and George as it was the weekend and Cal was at the football with Jake.

“Hey darl” I smiled to Sarah as she let me in the house

“Oh I am glad to see you! George just won’t stop crying and I feel so useless” she cried as she led me through to the lounge where I saw George laid on his baby mat crying

“Is he hungry? Wet nappy? Tired?” I asked stating all the obvious things I could think of

She shook her head “trust me, I have tried all of those” she told me as she started to cry “I’m a rubbish mum”

I placed my arm around her and pulled her into my side “you are not a rubbish mum. Now go and put the kettle on and I’ll see what I can do” I smiled

She nodded and went off to the kitchen. I walked over to George and picked him up. He was still crying so I started to rock him and began to sing over the rainbow to him. He stopped crying and instead listened to me.

“How did you do that?” Sarah asked as she came back in to find me holding a now sleeping George.

“Well apparently he’s a fan of Eva Cassidy” I laughed

“Well thank god for you” she smiled “super god mum you are” she laughed as she took a seat on the sofa

“Anything to help, you know that” I smiled as I joined her

“So what’s new with you? Are you with child yet?” she smiled. Sarah and Jake knew all about how we were trying for a baby and they couldn’t be more supportive

“Well my period is late and I’ve been feeling sick lately but I’m just too scared to take a test and get my hopes up” I told Sarah

“Babe, just do it. Now let me see if I’ve got any as me and Jake over bought when we thought I was pregnant”

We took the baby monitor with us as we went to the bathroom. Sarah rooted through the cupboards until she came back with 2 tests.

“Let’s go” she smiled

I then proceeded to do both tests and then we sat and waited.

“I so hope your pregnant darl” she smiled “you deserve this so much”

“Thank you Sarah that means a lot. Cal is just so ready for a baby and I don’t want to let him down”

“Amy you won’t but please don’t put too much pressure on yourself, it’s not fair” she looked down at her watch “are you ready?” she asked as she went to look at the results

I just nodded as I waited for her to tell me. Sarah turned back round to me and beamed “Amy, they both say you’re pregnant!” she cried grinning

We both began jumping up and down and screaming. I had never been so happy!

“You better go home and tell Cal” she smiled “but Amy, congratulations darl”

“Thank you” I beamed

I quickly said my goodbyes and then rushed home where I found Cal tucking into a sandwich in the lounge. I joined him on the sofa and pulled him into a hug.

“Whoa!” he laughed “I missed you too but what’s up with you?” he asked

“I’ve just some news” I told him smiling

“What’s happened?” he asked looking worried

“Well I’ve been feeling kind of sick lately and I’ve missed a period” I started to tell him “so at Sarah’s today I took 2 pregnancy tests”

Cal took hold of my hands “and?” he whispered

“Babe I’m pregnant” I smiled

“Really?” he asked

“Well I need to check with the doctor but they both said yes” I whispered

Cal pulled me into a hug “Amy I love you so much. Our family could be beginning right now” he grinned

I pulled him to me so I could kiss him “I love you too Cal”

Cal placed his hands on my stomach and kissed me back harder “it’s not just you and me anymore babe. We’ve now got our little one”

“Here’s to the future” I smiled “me and you and our new family” and I placed my lips back to his.

Authors note

A short chapter I know and im sorry! but only the prologue left to go of Broken! I really hope you've enjoyed reading Broken, as its been so enjoyable to write over the last 11 months.

Amy and her story have been such a big part of my life. I've been in the shower and thought of chapter ideas so it really has taken over my life!

Thank you to all those who have been on this journey right from the beginning and to all of those who have joined at various points through the journey :)

I really hope you have all enjoyed Amy and Cal's story as much as I have :)

Much love to you all

Leanne xxx

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