Chapter 18

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Well Shane ended up staying the night as he was too tired to drive but he went home the next day promising that he would be back to see me soon!

The next week passed quickly as we were busy at work getting ready for half term which was going to be lovely. Cal had invited me to go with him to see his parents for the weekend and I was really looking forward to it. I was so nervous to meet them though! His sister Megan was supposed to be there too so I would be meeting her too. The journey would take about six hour's altogether but I was hoping I would be able to sleep most of the way!

It was finally Saturday morning at four am when Cal's car pulled up outside my flat where I had been waiting for him. He got out greeting me

"Babe you shouldn't have been waiting out here for me. I told you that I would come up to get you" he told me seriously as he took me in his arms and gave me a quick kiss.

"Your so cute when you're worried Cal" I cheekily told him as I got in the car

He laughed as he got in ready to go.

"You ready?" he asked

I nodded eagerly "yup but I'm so tired" I tried to stifle the yawn that came out of my mouth.

"I can tell" he grinned

The journey passed quickly for me, well especially since I fell asleep but Cal didn't seem to mind! Although he did start singing which woke me up so I think he was secretly getting bored! We stopped on the way for a quick break but then we were back on the road and soon enough we were driving into Dorset. All I could see out of my window was beautiful scenery. One minute it was beautiful lush green rolling hills and then we were on the gorgeous coastline looking out at the inviting turquoise sea which glistened in the sunlight that was appearing behind the clouds even though it was still quite a cold day. Cal promised that he would bring me in the summer so that we could enjoy the beach even more!

We were soon pulling up into a small driveway set off from the road. His family lived in a beachside bungalow and so far it looked amazing! As we got out the car, two people arrived at the front door opening it up to see us.

Cal came round to my side and guided me to his parents. His mum was quite short but slender with gorgeous brown eyes and lush brown hair. His dad was taller and an older version of Cal. They both smiled warmly at me as Cal took us closer to them.

"Mum, dad this is Amy" Cal beamed at them as he introduced me to them.

His dad stepped forward with his hand outstretched, I took his hand and shook "hello Amy, lovely to meet you. You can call me Tom" he smiled.

I smiled back as his mum stepped forward and embraced me in a hug before releasing me "finally we get to meet you Amy. I'm Sue"

"Lovely to meet you both" I smiled warmly at them both

"Is Megan here?" Cal asked

"She's just popped out but she will be here later. Come inside and warm up, it's rather chilly out here" sue beamed as we then all followed her inside.

Their house was gorgeous! It had a beautiful cottage feel to it and it felt like home even though I had never been here before. We all sat down in the lounge as his mum went to make us all a pot of tea. Cal and his dad caught up about work as I surveyed the room. There were pictures of Cal and I'm guessing his sister everywhere. Cal had told me that Megan was 20 years old and that she was studying to be a teacher just like Cal. The picture that took pride of place on the mantelpiece was the picture of Cal graduating from university.

"So Amy what do you do?" his dad turned to ask me

"I'm a teaching assistant at the local primary school" I smiled

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