Chapter 15

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Hours had passed before I realised they had. I was still sat on the sofa hugging my knees to my chest with tears leaving trails down my cheeks. I vaguely heard my phone buzz as I reached over to pick it up. I didn’t recognise the number so I wearily opened the text.

‘Looks like Cal came crawling back to me in the end. I told you that I’d get you back bitch. Such a shame that you lost out on him. At least he’s still good in the bedroom as he was a few months ago’

I started to shake as I read through the text again and next thing I knew, I had chucked the phone across the room as fresh tears broke through again. I had trusted Cal and he had run back to Jenny! I felt so betrayed and so stupid! I gripped my hands into fists and pounded into the cushions on the sofa. Right now I didn’t want to see Cal ever again! I must of cried myself to sleep because I’m not sure when I finally fell asleep.

I awoke to hear a pounding on the door “Amy I know you’re in there so get up and answer the bloody door!” I heard Sarah yell.

I groaned and walked through to the front door to let her in.

“Oh finally she- what has happened to you? I’m getting serious de ja vu here! I found you like this when you and Ben broke up- oh god you and Cal haven’t broke up have you?” she asked as she pulled me into a hug

I shrugged my shoulders. I was void of all emotion right now as I pulled away from her and walked back to the sofa where I slumped myself down.

“Amy what happened? I’ve been ringing your mobile but no answer” she whispered

I pointed over to the mess of plastic and metal on the floor by the wall “I kinda broke it”

“Why?” she asked as she took a tentative seat next to me

“Because the guy I’m supposed to be falling for decided to shag his ex last night. That’s why. Because Liam came over and kissed me and Cal saw so he left to go straight to her!” I screamed

“Amy are you sure? Jake went out with him last night after Cal called him in a state. They went to a bar and then went back to Cal’s. I’m sure Jake wouldn’t let him do that darl! But Liam kissed you?! Why was he even at yours?”

My mouth gaped open “really? But he still left me here without hearing me out and letting me make him understand Sarah! Liam showed up wanting to apologise and I let him in, as I was trying to give him the benefit of the doubt but he kissed me as Cal walked in. I didn’t want him too and I didn’t kiss him back!”

“I know I know! I’m not sticking up for him; I’m just saying that I don’t believe he was with Jenny last night. You guys will just have to sit down and talk at some point ok? Look, go and get showered and come back to mine. Jake will be back soon and he can make us some lunch” she smiled warmly at me

“I guess so. I need to get out of here. I’ll be ready in like half an hour” I said as I got up and walked to the bathroom.

After the shower I threw on some trackies and a vest top. I roughly towel dried my hair and quickly put it up into a messy bun. I decided against makeup as I really couldn’t be bothered in the slightest. I walked back through to Sarah. “Have you cleaned up for me?”  I asked

She laughed “yeah cos you had last nights unopened Chinese that was beginning to smell!”

I grimaced at the memory of last night “yeah Cal brought it round, I guess we didn’t get round to eating it” I whispered

“I’m sure things will work out babe! Now come on let’s go!” she called

We walked back to hers in about fifteen minutes and when we got in she made me a lovely cup of tea.

We sat curled up on her sofa watching The Hills waiting for Jake to get home when we heard two voices come into the kitchen.

I turned to Sarah “that’s not-“

“Hey girls” Jake beamed at us both as he walked through with none other than Cal. I smiled at Jake but turned away before I could catch Cal’s eye. I pretended to be interested in what was on the television. I felt Sarah get up and walk over to Jake.

“Hey babe why don’t you help me in the kitchen?” she asked as she pulled him after her away from us. Cal still stood awkwardly for a moment before he came and sat on the sofa with me.

I heard him take a breath before speaking “Amy can we talk?” he asked

“Now you want to talk?” I whispered not taking my eyes off the screen. Unbelievable last night he just left me alone and upset but now he wants to talk!

“I was angry and upset Amy. I had just caught some guy kissing you!”

I turned to face him “I was angry and upset too Cal in case you hadn’t noticed! Do you really think I wanted Liam to kiss me?! You wouldn’t even let me explain and apparently you don’t even trust me!” I shouted

“Well apparently you don’t trust me either! Sarah told Jake about the text you got from Jenny and how you believed it straight away! Why would you Amy?! I told you that I’ve changed. I only want you I swear!” he moved closer to me

“I guess I believed it because I still don’t know why you want to be with me Cal. Look at me right now I’m a mess! All the girls I’ve ever had to see you with have been gorgeous and stunning with perfect figures. Not like me sat here right now in trackies with my hair shoved up with no makeup on!” I felt a tear trickle down my cheek “that’s why I believed it because I’m afraid that one day you’ll realise that you can do better than me” I whispered

Cal reached over and rubbed my tear away with his thumb as he looked me in the eyes “Amy I’m with you and only you. You don’t realise how gorgeous you are and how unbelievably lucky I feel that I have you. Amy I’ve fallen in love with you and I only want to be with you. I promise. I see a future with you. If you’ll still have me of course” he smiled warmly at me

“You really mean it Cal?”

“I love you Amy” Cal looked at me, searching my eyes before he leant in and gently kissed my lips. As he was about to pull away, I placed my arms around his neck and pulled him in again. This time I let all the emotions, that I had felt spill out into the kiss and so did he. We kissed each other hungrily as he nibbled my bottom lip asking for entry which I gladly did. His tongue swooped inside and began to massage mine as the kiss was deepened.

“Ahem” a voice began behind us

We both looked up blushing to find Sarah and Jake stood there grinning ear to ear. “Were glad that you’ve made up guys but lunch is ready!” Jake laughed

Authors note

Just a quick note to say don't think this is anywhere near the end because its not! Were about halfway through right now so still lots to come!

A really big thank you to everyone who has read my story this week. The reads have gone up by over 200 reads this week so I am majorly chuffed believe me! So thank you so much :)

Much Love

Leanne xx

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