Chapter 5

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Authors note at the end :)

“So what happened last night?” Sarah asked me as we sat down in the staff room at work. It was break time and the first chance I had to catch up with her today. We both worked at the local primary school, I was a teaching assistant in reception and Sarah was a teaching assistant in year 2. Luckily we were the only ones in the staff room right now.

I groaned as an answer.

“That bad?” she laughed at me whilst I frowned at her.

“I’m glad you find this so funny Sarah! It was the worst night ever. He basically told me he fancied me. We kissed and I pushed him away cos it felt wrong! And then he left as quick as he could!” I slouched further into my chair and put my head in my hands “I’m a bad person aren’t I?” I turned to ask my friend.

“Of course not! You’re just confused that’s all. I mean Liam is the first guy who’s been nice to you properly in the last 2 years, because Ben was a complete dick to you!” she placed a hand on my shoulder “babe you will be fine” she smiled encouragingly at me.

“I know. I just felt so bad, he looked so hurt”

“He will be fine Amy. Don’t worry about him; you know he will be alright in a few days. Onto other matters though, Jake has told me that a certain young man has been asking him about you and Liam” she wiggled her eyebrows at me

“Calum?” I whispered back

She nodded at me smiling “yup. Apparently he was quite interested in what was going on between you guys”

I laughed but noticing the time I groaned again “we best get back to the little darlings!”

Sarah frowned “4 days till the weekend” she sighed “I’ll see you later babe” and off she went back to her classroom. I smiled as she left. It was great how we both managed to get jobs here. I got my position first whilst Sarah worked in a nursery but then a job came up and I managed to convince the head that I knew the exact person for the job and 2 years later we were both still here!

The rest of the week flew by and before I knew it, it was Thursday. Nothing had happened during the week and I hadn’t heard from Liam or Calum. Sarah kept dropping hints when I saw her at work that he would text but I wasn’t overly sure that he would. But that night as I was then washing up my plate from tea, I heard my phone ping. I dried my hands on the tea towel and walked through to the lounge where my phone was laid on the sofa. As soon as I noticed who it was from, my heartbeat got quicker, it was from Calum. I quickly pressed open.

‘Hey Amy. I know this may seem random but didn’t really get to speak to you much at the club as your mouth seemed to be busy :p are you free tomorrow night for a catch up? And maybe this time I’ll be the one to keep your mouth busy ;) xx’

I was speechless. I had no idea what to say, he had a girlfriend and he was insinuating that we kiss?! But I was intrigued to see him none the less so I text him back

‘Hey Cal. Yeah a catch up sounds good where? Will Jenny be coming? Xx’

Yes I know I completely ignored his naughty comments but I was too nervous to reply to them bits. He text back instantly.

'Your place? I can bring some wine maybe? No she won’t be coming. Just you and me. If that’s ok with you? Xx’

I immediately wondered why Jenny wouldn’t be coming but pushed it to the back of my mind as I sent a text back.

'My place is fine. Ill text you the address tomorrow? Any time after 7 is good for me :) xx’

His reply was immediate ‘ok babe. I’ll see you tomorrow at 7 ;) xx’

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