Chapter 32

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Well after the wedding Cal dropped me back at mine and then he left. We were taking this whole taking things slowly thing seriously. We both didn’t want to mess up this time. The whole car ride back to mine we spoke about things but agreed to have a proper chat about things soon.

I wasn’t going to be able to see him much this week as it was my first week back at work and I wanted to make sure that I was really on top of things. I also knew that I would probably have a lot of paperwork to go through as I had been off for ages!

Monday morning rolled around and I was back at work. I was really happy to see everyone and luckily no one had mentioned anything about the pregnancy. I had spoken to the headmistress and asked her to explain everything to everyone, the week after it had happened. I had received a few cards of sympathy from colleagues.

The morning went by quickly and I was getting to know the new children in my class and the new teacher that I was now working with. Lunchtime was finally here and before I knew it, I was in the staff room gossiping with Sarah.

"So Mrs Bailey how’s your first day back?” I smiled as I passed her the cup of tea I had just made her. I took the seat next to her and relaxed

“It’s been lovely! The new children are just gorgeous! And have you seen the new year 4 teacher? Mr Wallace? Now he is gorgeous!” she smirked

“Erm Sarah you do know that you got married at the weekend?” I asked grinning

She whacked me on the arm and stuck her tongue out at me before whispering “quick look that’s him now coming in”

I turned to look at the entrance to the staff room and there he was stood and Sarah was right he was gorgeous! He had brown hair and he looked like he was a little bit taller than me. The shirt he was wearing accentuated his muscles and he really did look good!

“Everyone I would like you to meet Jamie Wallace. He’s our new year 4 teacher so I hope that you will all make him feel very welcome” the headmistress told us as Jamie smiled at everyone before catching my eye and smirking.

“Did you see that smirk he just gave you?” Sarah whispered in my ear as I nodded

“Amy? Would you and Sarah be able to show Jamie around the staff room?” the head asked me

“Yeah sure” I smiled as Jamie came over to us “hi I’m Amy Jenkins. I’m a teaching assistant in reception but I occasionally work in other classrooms. And this is Sarah, she also works in reception with me as a teaching assistant” I smiled warmly as I held my hand out for him to shake. Which he did and it was a very relaxed handshake!

“Nice to meet you” he smiled genuinely as he took a seat next to us

“Can I get you a drink Jamie?” Sarah asked as she got up

“Erm yeah a coffee would be great thanks. Milk and 2 sugars please” he smiled as Sarah nodded and walked off to make the coffee

“So Jamie where did you work before?” I asked genuinely interested

“I worked in another primary school in the city but decided I needed a change” he smiled “what about you?”

“I’ve been here pretty much since I finished college” I laughed

“Never fancied working anywhere else?” he asked

“Erm not quite yet. Maybe in a few years but at the moment I’m happy here” I smiled

“So do you ever help me in my class?” he asked grinning

“Well, I think I am this afternoon actually” I grinned “you’ve got art right?” he nodded “then yeah I’m with you”

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