Chapter 6

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I am so sorry Amy. Will you forgive me? Xx p.s I don’t regret what happened. See you soon :) Cal xx

His text was still swimming through my mind as I lay in my bed looking up at the ceiling. I hadn’t regretted it either but I just couldn’t bring myself to text him back. He had a girlfriend and there was no way I could do that to Jenny. Hell I hated the girls that Ben cheated on me with and I had never even met them! It just felt worse knowing that I knew Jenny and that I had kissed her boyfriend. I sighed and pulled myself out of bed knowing that I needed to be at Sarah’s for lunch and it was 11.30 and I was still in bed! I grabbed a quick shower and managed to get myself ready by 11.55. I text Sarah to say that I was running a little late when my phone pinged with a text

‘Please don’t ignore me babe. I can’t get you out of my head! I’m going to speak to Jenny today. Can I come over later? I need to see you Cal xx’

I groaned and ignored his text. I decided I would speak to Sarah and see what she said.

“What the hell has happened to you?! You look like shit darl” Sarah told me as I walked into her flat. I hadn't made much of an effot to be perfectly honest. I had literally just threw my hair up in a ponytail which had lots of fly away strands and I had just flung my trackies and a vest top on with my new converse trainers. And I had no make up on!

“Jeez hello to you too Sarah!” I frowned at her as she laughed at me. I joined her in the kitchen, making us cups of tea as she prepared our salads for lunch.

“So why are we having salad?” I asked her

“Because I need to start eating healthier that’s why! And me and Jake are thinking of starting a family” she beamed at me

“No way?!” I ran over to her and hugged her “I can’t believe it! This is great darl! What made you guys decide?” I asked

“Well I’ve always wanted to be a young mum and we decided now is the time to try! Were also looking for a house now too”

“Babe I’m so happy for you! Your life is really coming together now huh?” I smiled but felt a pang in my heart. I wanted this for myself too but here I was single!

“Amy yours will too! Any word from Liam?” She asked me

“Nope, not a word” I bit my lip. Liam was a sore subject with me. We hadn’t spoken since the last time I saw him and I had to admit that I was really missing him.

Sarah showed a sad smile “he’ll come around soon, just give him time. Anyways what happened with Cal last night?”

“We better sit down!” I laughed and we took our salads and cups of tea through to the lounge where we started to dig in. “this is really good Sarah” I mumbled with a mouthful of salad.

“Enough about the salad even though it is amazing! Spill the beans!!!!”

“Ok well Cal came over. He bought some wine, we had some, and we caught up and……” I could see Sarah on the edge of her seat

“Don’t leave it there and what?!” she asked

“Andwekissed” I half mumbled and half whispered so it didn’t come out very clearly but she knew what I meant as soon as I saw her reaction.

“NO WAY!!!! ARGHHHHHHH!” Sarah screamed at me in what looked like excitement

“Whoa calm down there girl!” I laughed when suddenly she grabbed me in a hug

“I knew he liked you! I could just tell! And then what happened?” she asked eagerly

“And then he left when I had an attack of conscience when I remembered he had a girlfriend called Jenny” I frowned

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