Chapter 34

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The next morning I woke up early in Cal’s arms. It was so lovely to be back in his arms. I felt so safe and content with him. I felt Cal stir next to me and then he was planting kisses on my neck.

“Good morning babe. I’ve missed waking up to you” he whispered into my neck

I smiled “I’ve missed this too but I’m afraid that I need you to drop me off at mine so I can get ready for work” I laughed

Cal laughed with me “yeah no worries. We best start looking at houses soon so that we can wake up together everyday” he smiled down at me as he placed a kiss on my lips.

Eventually we managed to drag ourselves away from each other so that he could drop me off at my place so that I could get ready for work. Luckily in the end I was only ten minutes late!

At lunchtime I finally caught up with Sarah in the staff room. Sarah passed me my tea as she sat down next to me “so how was last night?” she innocently asked

“Oh my god so much happened! Firstly me and Jamie went for a drink, which was fine but then Cal showed up! So obviously he wasn’t happy. Accused me of not caring blah blah blah so then he left. I spoke to Jamie and told him about everything that has happened in our relationship, and you know what it was really nice to speak to someone who wasn’t involved in the situation you know?”

Sarah nodded “ok I’m with you so far keep going” she smiled

“Right so Jamie encouraged me to go and see Cal which I did. I went straight to his and we spoke about everything. We spoke about what happened with the baby too. We’ve sorted things out and were going to stay together” I beamed

"You had make up sex didn’t you?” Sarah smirked at me

I whacked her arm playfully “seriously, I’ve just told you all of that and that’s what you say?” I laughed

“You know me” she winked “so what now?” she asked

“He wants us to buy a house together” I smiled

“Oh Amy that’s great! There’s a house for sale near ours” she hinted

I stuck my tongue out at her “we haven’t spoken about where we want to move to yet. And I think he kinda needs to meet my parents” I told her

“Oh yeah. How do you think they will take him? Especially after everything with the baby”

“Jeez thanks for the reminder” I laughed “ill ring my mum tonight. I think she will be ok about it. I think it will mainly be Shane and dad really”

“Hey Amy, sorry to interrupt” Jamie took a seat the other side of me

“Hey it’s ok Jamie. What’s up?” I asked

“I wanted to see how things went last night. I really am sorry if I’ve ruined things in any way” he told me genuinely

“Don’t be silly it wasn’t your fault, trust me. Were fine thanks though. Cal wants us to buy a house together” I smiled

"That’s great news Amy! Well I better get back to things. I just wanted to check up on you”

"Thanks Jamie, that’s kind of you”

“Well I’ll see you ladies later” he grinned as he walked away from us to speak to one of the other teachers.

I turned back to Sarah “so when do you think I should call my mum?” I asked starting to worry about things

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