Chapter 23

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It was a month later and we were just coming into May. The weather was starting to warm up and I was 20 weeks pregnant so my bump was really beginning to grow! The biggest thing I was looking forward too was finding out my baby’s sex next week! I was so excited and had been buying a few things already and Liam had treated me to a Moses basket for the baby and a few other bits.

Speaking of Liam things were going really well and we were spending a lot of time together during the week and at weekends. I guess you could say that we were acting like a couple but we hadn’t actually discussed it. Most of the time when he came over we spent the time kissing and cuddling on the sofa. I felt safe with Liam and I knew that I could depend on him but did I love him? I really didn’t know and I really didn’t want to lead him on at all, as I really did care about him.  I guess at the moment he was more of a comfort thing as Cal wasn’t there for me.

Speaking of Cal he had now been away 2 months and I hadn’t heard from him at all. Jake had received a few emails but none mentioned me.

But today I was meeting up with Sarah to go to our local café as I hadn’t seen her much at work. As I waddled down the pavement to the café with my swollen ankles throbbing! I had a look around and realised in a few months, I would be pushing a pushchair down this same pavement which was such a scary thought!

The weather was beautiful today so I had a turquoise maxi dress on with my hair up in a bun as I was getting rather hot. I had been living in maxi dresses the past 2 weeks because they were so comfortable!

I smiled when I saw Sarah sat outside under a tree beside the café at a small table. She beamed at me and waved me over.

“Look at you! You’re so radiant darl! You’re just glowing” she squealed as she got up to hug me “and look your bump grows more every time I see you!” she laughed

I groaned “oh I know tell me about it” I giggled

She smiled warmly “I’ve ordered us some fresh orange juice for your vitamin intake darl”

“Thank you, that sounds great. I hope it has plenty of ice” I replied as I started to fan myself with my hand

“Speak of the devil, here come our drinks now” Sarah smiled

“Good afternoon ladies. I’ve brought you over a pitcher of orange juice instead as its so hot today. Let me know if you need extra ice” our waiter smiled as he placed our drinks down and left

"Oh wow you’re the best!” I told him which made him turn round and laugh as I poured us a glass each

“So what’s happening with you and Liam?” Sarah asked eagerly

"I wondered how long it would take you to ask that” I said as I raised an eyebrow at her

“Oh come on! I’m your best friend and I’m intrigued!” she pouted

I groaned “I really don’t know how to explain what’s going on. I guess were a couple but we haven’t really spoke about. But he comes over most nights and we kiss and cuddle but I think he just wants to take things slowly and to be honest I just love having someone there to look after me” I shrugged

“But do you actually like him Amy?” Sarah asked

I frowned “I like him yeah, I just don’t know if I’ll ever love him. And it doesn’t help that I’m still in love with Cal” I whispered

“Finally she admits the truth” Sarah smiled smugly

“Ergh don’t start Sarah. He’s the one who left” I placed a hand on my bump and lightly rubbed “he didn’t want a family Sarah and unfortunately he kind of has no choice because I’m pregnant but I never told him. How can I ever face him?” I whispered

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