Chapter 25

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I tried to sit up but felt a pain in my chest “ow” I winced

“Careful babe, you’ve broke a couple of ribs” Sarah told me as she gently held my hand. I looked over at her to see her perched on the end of her seat and Jake stood behind her. They both looked terrible and I hated to think how crap I must look right now! I had a horrible aching in my leg as well and it felt like I couldn’t move it.

“What happened?” I whispered as I accidentally moved causing my ribs to hurt again

“You had an accident darl. Liam was driving and another car crashed into the passenger side where you were sat. The other driver is here and he’s been arrested for dangerous driving but they won’t tell us anymore than that at the minute as they need to speak to you. They’ve already spoke to Liam”

“How is Liam?” I mumbled quietly

“He’s fine. Just a bit shook up and he’s broken his arm” Jake told me “I’ll go and tell the doctor that you’re awake now” he smiled before leaving the room

“I was asleep?” I asked

Sarah nodded “you were brought in for surgery as you’ve broken your leg. They had to realign your leg with metal pins babe”

I nodded taking it all in. I placed a hand on my stomach “is everything else ok? How’s the baby?” I asked

Sarah looked at me nervously as she clutched my hand tighter. A small tear slipped down her cheek as she bit her lip “babe I-“

"Hello Amy how are you feeling?” the doctor asked as I stopped looking at Sarah and turned to face him.

“A little bit sore and confused” I mumbled looking at Sarah again. Jake went to stand with her as they both looked at me

“Well I’m afraid you broke 2 of your ribs which probably explains why it’s hurting at the minute when you move and I’m afraid that may last for a few weeks as they heal. Secondly, you broke your right leg. Surgery was needed to fix the broken parts of your bone together with pins. During the operation your bones were moved into the correct place and then fixed there. Now the bones have been fixed in place, your body will produce new bone to join the broken parts together” he smiled warmly

I nodded “how long will my leg take to heal?” I asked

“When your bones have healed, you will have surgery to remove the pins. After that we will then arrange some physiotherapy for you”

“What about my baby?” I whispered

He looked at me sadly “I’m sorry to tell you this but I’m afraid the baby didn’t survive. The impact of the crash was too much for them. I really am very sorry. I will leave you with your friends”

"Thank you doctor” Jake whispered

My whole world stopped as I kept my eyes in front of me where the doctor had just been. I gently placed a hand on my belly and rubbed where he or she had once been. Now I knew why Sarah had started to cry when I asked her earlier. I felt myself breakdown as the tears just fell out of me. I vaguely felt Sarah’s arms come around me as she tried to reassure me. The pain of my ribs and leg had subsided and I was now mourning the loss of my unborn child. My poor, innocent child. I had lost my baby at 20 weeks and I felt like a part of me was missing.

“Are you ok?” Sarah whispered in my ear as she held me

I shook my head “I’ve just lost the only good thing that I had going for me right now Sarah. That stupid asshole who crashed into us, killed my baby!” I cried out as fresh tears fell from my eyes

“I know babe” Sarah told me as she held me tighter as I cried into her shoulder.

"Did they know what sex it was?” I eventually managed to ask between my sobs

Sarah looked at Jake and then back at me “they think it was a girl babe” she whispered

I nodded as I then smiled “you know I had a dream that I had told Cal and that we were happy and in my dream we had a girl called Rebecca. She was so perfect. Do you think that was maybe her?” I whispered

“That’s a good way to think about it darl” she smiled warmly as she perched on my bed holding my hands.

I nodded “yup that’s how I want to remember her. My beautiful angel in the sky” I smiled as my head rested back onto my pillow as I fell asleep.

A little while later I woke up to find Liam asleep in the chair next to my bed. His arm was in a sling and he had a few cuts on his face.

"Hey” I whispered unsure if he would be able to hear me but he soon woke up

He gave me a small smile before he got up and placed a kiss on my forehead “Amy I am so sorry. I didn’t mean for- I just can’t believe that-“he stopped talking and looked at me

“It’s not your fault Liam ok? It was the twat’s who hit us fault” I told him seriously trying not to let my voice falter. I needed to be strong.

He picked up my hands and gently held them “I am so sorry that you lost your baby Amy. If there was anything I could do to bring her back, I would” he looked into my eyes “how are you feeling?” he asked

“I’ve honestly been better” I tried to smile “my ribs hurt every time I move and I can’t feel my leg because of all the painkillers”

“You’re here that’s the main thing” Liam tried to smile but I knew he was as upset as I was about losing the baby. Even though she wasn’t his, I knew that he would’ve helped me in any way I needed.

The door to my room opened and Jake came inside “hey how are you feeling?” Jake asked

“I’m getting there” I smiled

“Amy can I talk to you?” Jake asked

“Yeah sure. What’s up?” I smiled

“Can we speak alone?” Jake asked again as he shuffled around uncomfortably. He obviously didn’t like having to tell one of his best friends to leave whilst he spoke to me.

“That’s fine. I’m gonna go and make some calls” Liam smiled as he placed another kiss on my forehead before leaving.

Jake took Liam’s seat next to me “everything ok?” I asked as Jake looked really nervous

“Amy I really don’t know how you’re going to take this but I really think what I’m doing is for the best. He had a right to know what was going on” Jake mumbled hurriedly

“Who had a right to know what?” I asked waiting for jakes answer.

“I had to tell him Amy. I rang Cal and told him everything. I told him about the pregnancy and about the crash. Everything.”

My heart stopped as I took all this in. Jake had told Cal everything that had happened. Oh god he was going to hate me!

"And?” I whispered

Jake seemed to take a breath before speaking “he’s on the first flight home”

 Authors note

Please don't hate me for this chapter! I found it really hard to write and this chapter is the most research I've ever had to do for a chapter, so thank goodness for Google! I really hope you all enjoyed this chapter though. I'm not completely happy with it, but I'll get round to editing this story at some point!

So any thoughts? Was Jake right to call Cal? And yay Cal is coming back!

Remember to comment and vote and once again thank you for staying with Broken :)

Much Love

Leanne xx

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