Chapter 17

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I spent the next week desperately trying to put what Cal said behind me. He acted like we had never had the conversation about children. Both he and I hadn’t brought it up again. Sarah was still asking me what I was going to do and I honestly had no idea. I had wanted children ever since I had gotten my first period! It’s what most girls wish for and I really didn’t want to give that up. I guess in a way, I was trying to convince myself that Cal would change his mind. I mean we were both still young, I was only 22 and Cal was 26 so it wasn’t like I was in a rush or anything! Maybe I could approach the idea with him again in a few months or something?

But I had to put it to the back of my mind for now and just leave it closed away in my head. Especially this weekend as we were helping Sarah and Jake move into their new house. I hadn’t really seen Cal since last time he stayed as he was busy with football and something about a football camp they were creating in Spain which I hadn’t really been listening too when he told me but it sounded good! Course we had spoken on the phone but it just hadn’t been the same and I really had missed him but I would see him at Sarah and Jake’s later.

I made my way over to their flat so that I could help them pack the last few bits that were left.

“Hello?” I called as I got to their front door that was open as I anxiously peered inside.

“Yeah in here!” I heard Sarah call from their bedroom.

I let out the breath that I hadn’t even realised I was holding and walked through to find her.

“You do know that your front door is open Sarah?” I asked as I found her digging underneath her bed pulling lost treasures and rubbish out.

“Yeah the boys are in and out so I figured I would leave it open” she smiled before throwing a used condom wrapper at me.

“Ergh!” I grimaced “but at least I know you use protection!” I smirked

“Hopefully not for much longer” she winked at me as she got up to sit on the edge of her bed. I joined her

“Really?” I asked excited for her

She nodded before biting her lip “we want to get married first now that we have the house sorted and then I think we’re going to try. I’m so excited Amy” she smiled before turning to look at me “oh shit I’m talking about having kids and Cal’s told you he doesn’t want any! Sorry Amy I wasn’t thinking. Have you thought anymore about it?” she asked

I shook my head “I really don’t know what to do but I don’t want you to feel guilty for speaking about your future Sarah! I will have children someday but unfortunately it just might not be with Cal” I shrugged

“Good for you Amy. Don’t give up on your dreams just because of him. But my fingers and toes are crossed that he changes his mind darl” she wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tightly as I hugged her back.

“Sarah have you finished yet?” Jake called through to us before he walked into the room “sorry am I interrupting?” he laughed

Me and Sarah started laughing as Sarah got up to go to him “I am nearly finished babe” she told him as she used her puppy dog eyes that Jake was renowned for falling for.

“That’s ok then” he smiled “hey Amy. Cal’s here, he’s making us cups of tea as I speak”

“Thanks Jake. I’ll go help him” I stated as I crept out of their room. Luckily Cal had his back to me as I crept up behind him before placing my hands over his eyes. “Guess who” I asked

“Erm Megan Fox? Jessica Alba?” he asked

“Oi!” I said as I swatted his arm as he turned round to face me with a huge smirk on his face.

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