Chapter 20

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The next 20 minutes were the slowest minutes of my whole entire life. I spent the whole time pacing around my flat, not believing how stupid I might have been! We hadn’t used condoms which I now realise was foolish as we were just using my pill which obviously may not have worked. How the hell was I going to tell Cal if I was pregnant?! He didn’t want children and he might be leaving for a few months! Could I be a single mum?!

Oh god how was I going to tell my parents?! And Shane! God he would kill me and Cal! I tried not to worry myself but all I could think of was that I might have a tiny baby growing inside of me.

Finally, I heard the front door open as Sarah ran in with a plastic bag.

“I brought 3 darl! We can do all of them, just so were extra sure!” she ran over and threw her arms around me “whatever happens me and Jake are here for you ok?”

“I just don’t know what I’m going to do if I’m pregnant Sarah! Can I be a single mum?” I whispered

“Of course you can babe! You would be an amazing mum, I just know it! And you never know Cal might come round to the idea” she smiled encouragingly

“Let’s just do this please”

Sarah passed me the bag as I walked to the bathroom, Sarah followed me behind.

“Do you want me to come in with you or do you want me to wait out here?” she asked

“Come in please” I whispered. Sarah nodded and came inside with me. She sat on the edge of the bath and passed me a test. I was too nervous but eventually I managed a dribble and then we left it on the side to wait for it to develop. I then did the same with another one and again we left that to develop. I couldn’t bring myself to do a third so we left that one.

“Is it time to look yet?” I whispered. I wasn’t sure if Sarah could hear me over the sound of my heart beating.

She shook her head “30 more seconds’ babe” she smiled

I breathed out a sigh “this feels like this could change everything in my life Sarah. Either I’m going to be a single mum or I’m just going to be single” I tried to laugh

“Amy, you are going to be absolutely fine either way. And you know what its Cal’s loss, not yours! You’re an amazing person and Cal doesn’t deserve you! You know Liam’s been asking Jake how you are all the time.”

I groaned “oh god, how right was Liam?! He said this would happen and I completely shut him out because of Cal! Do you think he would forgive me?” I asked

“I’m pretty sure he would Amy” she smiled “the tests are ready, but are you ready to know?”

I nodded “please just tell me Sarah”

She smiled “just remember were here for you ok? Anything you need, absolutely anything!”

“I’m pregnant aren’t I?” I asked

She nodded “yes, you’re going to be a mum babe” she grinned

I felt a tear trickle down my cheek as I realised this but I also realised something else. I wanted to be a mum. And I was ready to be a mum, with or without Cal.

“Oh Amy” Sarah rushed over and hugged me

“I’m fine, I’m fine. Actually I’m pretty happy about being a mum” I smiled

“I knew you would be!” she grinned as she pulled away from me “you’re going to be a great mum”

“I guess I better book a doctor’s appointment and get it all verified hey?”

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