Chapter 9

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Warning: There is a heated scene at the end but I hope its not too racy!

The next week flew by and unfortunately I hadn't had time to see Cal much as he was working late at school to get ready for his students exams. We spoke everyday but it just wasn't the same. I found myself missing him, like I had never missed anyone before. Luckily I had Sarah to keep me sane. She was so happy with how things had worked out and the four of us had planned to go to the fireworks together tonight so id finally get to see Cal!

I got in from work at half past 5 and quickly called Cal to see what the plan was for this evening.

He picked up straight away "hello sexy. How may I help you?" he answered huskily

I laughed "hi Cal. I was just wondering what the plan was for tonight? I've just got in from work but I'm starving!"

"Well that's good then because I've just arrived at your place with a pizza"

"Really?" I asked as I walked over to the front door and opened it to find a gorgeous man standing at my door holding a yummy smelling pizza. I quickly hung up and grabbed him for the kiss that I had been waiting for all week.

Our lips moved in sync together like we hadn't been apart all week. Cal broke away from me "have you missed me that much babe?" he asked whilst smirking at me.

"That kiss wasn't because I missed you, it was because you bought me pizza" I winked at him playfully as I took the pizza off him and walked back inside.

He slapped my bum as we walked together into the kitchen "I know you missed me really Amy"

I placed the pizza on the counter and turned round to face him. Finding him literally inches away from me. "What makes you think I missed you?" I asked teasingly

He stepped closer to me and placed his hands on my waist and pulled me towards him "I know you missed me because I can almost hear your heart beating on overdrive babe"

I laughed and crossed my arms around his neck "I might have missed you a little bit" I placed my forehead against his and stared into his eyes. His brown eyes sparkled at me as he placed his lips lightly on mine but quickly they were gone as he whispered in my ear "let's eat the pizza will get cold" and I laughed.

We devoured the pizza quickly as it really was starting to get cold! And I jumped in the shower after fighting to get Cal out of the bathroom as he was hell bent on watching me! The only way I got him out was promising that he could stay at mine tonight after the fireworks. There was definitely going to be no sex though. And I hoped that he would understand when I told him later. I got showered and dressed quickly as we were starting to get behind time! I dressed warmly and didn't really bother with too much make up. I walked through to Cal who was sitting in the lounge.

"We better get going Cal" I said as I shrugged my coat on.

Cal got up from the sofa and walked over to me "Amy you look amazing. You are so naturally pretty babe. Actually no scratch that not pretty, beautiful and stunning"

I blushed as I stepped closer to him and placed a small kiss on his cheek. "Thanks. You're not too bad yourself" I winked as I walked off with Cal following me. I locked up the flat and we walked to his car.

It took us ten minutes to drive over to the local park where the fireworks were taking place. Me and Sarah had come here for years! And we both loved it. The park was your typical family park which included my favourite.... The swings! Me and Sarah would come here many times during the summer to have picnics and just relax and I couldn't wait to do that with Cal. We parked up and went over to the swings to meet Jake and Sarah. Cal held my hand protectively as we walked. My heart rate quickened as our skin touched and thank god it was dark as I'm pretty sure my face had turned tomato red!

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