Chapter 37

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The next few days passed by quickly at work and I hadn’t been able to speak to Sarah yet about how I was feeling. To be perfectly honest, I was completely dreading the whole conversation! I had no idea how she would take it at all.

I had just got home from work when I my phone rang. I quickly scrambled through my bag to find my phone and answered it

“Hello?” I asked

“Hey stranger! You free for me to pop over?” I heard Sarah’s voice ask

“Yeah I just got in so pop by whenever” I smiled

“That’s great cos I’m outside your front door” she laughed

I laughed and hung up whilst I walked to the front door. I opened it to find Sarah smiling away at me

“Long time no speak” she smirked

I laughed and opened the door for her to walk in. she walked through to the kitchen and I followed her, closing the door behind me.

“So what would you like to drink?” I asked

“Well I’m avoiding caffeine now I’m pregnant so juice would be great please”

I walked over to the fridge, picked up the juice and poured us both a glass. I passed Sarah her glass and we walked through to the lounge and sat on the sofa.

“So are you going to tell me what’s up? You’ve been avoiding me at work” she frowned

“I haven’t been avoiding you” I told her “I just don’t know what to say” I shrugged

“What do you mean? You don’t know what to say about what?” she asked

“I don’t know what to say about the baby Sarah. You’ve got the life I want and I can’t help but feel jealous. You’re going to have your baby but my baby died. You have the perfect marriage, perfect house and perfect life” I whispered

“Amy don’t you dare feel like that! You are going to be a big part of this baby’s life ok? Don’t feel bad about feeling jealous Amy, I completely understand! Just don’t shut me out!”

“I didn’t mean to shut you out Sarah; I just wasn’t sure how you would take it, that’s all”

“Amy, you and Cal are building a life together and that’s great! You’re looking at that house tomorrow, and Cal has said he wants kids and marriage someday with you and that’s amazing considering not so long ago he didn’t. He loves you so much darl and you just can’t see that!”

“I’m being silly aren’t I?” I asked

She nodded and laughed “Erm yeah just a tad”

“I really am happy for you Sarah” I smiled

“Amy everything is going to work out for you, trust me” she smiled back “right I have something to ask you, would you be this baby’s godmother?” she asked grinning

“Oh Sarah of course I will!” I squealed as I moved across the sofa to give her a hug

She pulled away “that’s great. Jake has asked Cal to be godfather too” she smiled “I swore him to secrecy so that he wouldn’t ruin the surprise when I asked you” she laughed

“Thank you Sarah, this means a lot to me” I smiled

“You’re welcome darl”


The next day I met Cal at the estate agents. He couldn’t stay over last night as he was out for a friend’s birthday.

“You ready for this gorgeous?” he asked me as he pulled me into a hug and gave me a quick kiss

“Definitely ready” I told him confidently

We walked inside to find our estate agent Dan “hey guys come and take a seat” he told us from his desk. We took our seats and looked forward to Dan.

“Right guys, so this is the house that I will be taking you too today” he passed us a piece of paper with a picture of the house on and some information about it

“If we decide to buy how long will it take to sort out?” Cal asked

“Well the owners have already moved out so their after a quick sale. Because of this we have already done a structural survey of the house and everything is fine so if you decide to take it we can do all the paperwork today and then it should just take a few weeks” Dan smiled

“That sounds great” Cal smiled at me. I nodded just taking all the information in

“Shall we go?” Dan asked

We all went in Dan’s car and 20 minutes later we were at the house. It was on the same estate as Sarah and Jake so that was nice. The house was lovely with a grassed front garden and brick weaved driveway. The front door was red and as we stepped inside, it just felt like home. The entrance hall had the stairs and doors that led off to the kitchen, lounge, dining room and downstairs toilet. Whilst Cal checked out the downstairs, I went upstairs.

The landing had 4 doors which led to the bathroom, and the 3 bedrooms. I walked through to the master bedroom and smiled. It had built in wardrobes and an en-suite. It had a huge window that looked out into our garden. I walked through to one of the spare bedrooms where I found cal.

“I didn’t hear you come up” I smiled as he turned to face me

“You were probably too busy day dreaming” he laughed as he walked over to me and pulled me into a hug. “This room would make a perfect nursery” he told me kissing my forehead

“Your right it would” I smiled wrapping my arms around his neck and planting my lips on his. Cal hungrily started to kiss me back as he wrapped his arms tighter around me. Cal breathlessly pulled away

“Dan is just downstairs” he laughed “so what do you think of the house?” he asked

“I love it” I told him seriously

“Good, because I can imagine us christening every room of this house” he whispered in my ear

I giggled but then stopped when I heard Dan come in the room “so guys what will it be?” he asked

Cal looked down at me and smiled “we’ll take it”

Authors note

Not a long chapter as its just a filler but I hope you like it! I would of updated last week but I sprained my ankle as I fell down the stairs so I'll try and do another update this week as im away next week :)

As always thank you for all the reads/votes/comments, I really do appreciate it :) this chapter is dedicated to Lady_Ice for all the votes she's given me. She's voted for every single chapter and I really do appreciate it :)

Im keeping a record of who's voted and how many times so those who do will get a dedication to say thank you :)

Much love

Leanne xx

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