Chapter 19

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The rest of the weekend passed without much talking between me and Cal. I didn’t know what to say to him and he didn’t seem to know what to say to me. We had hardly been together long without this set back. It was an amazing opportunity for Cal but the selfish part of me didn’t want to see him go. The journey back to Norwich was quiet and awkward and when he dropped me off, he didn’t come in like he usually would and just simply kissed my cheek and said goodbye. Sarah had text to ask what was going on as Cal had asked Jake to meet him at his place as it was an ‘emergency’ so I told Sarah to come round to keep me company.

I was just settling down on the sofa when Sarah let herself in. “Amy I’m here!” she called as she walked through to find me.

“Hey” I mumbled as I looked up at her

“I brought wine and to be honest looking at you, I would say we definitely need it darl!” she sat down next to me and placed her hand on my leg in a reassuring way “what’s happened?”

“Get the glasses and ill fill you in” I answered as she scurried to the kitchen to get the glasses and when she came back, I began to tell her what happened.

“So what’s he going to do?” Sarah asked looking at me in concern after I had finished telling her the dilemma.

I shrugged “I have no idea. I guess that’s why he had to see Jake so quick. Things are finally getting sorted and now who knows what will happen! Maybe me and Cal just aren’t meant to be hey?”

Sarah put her arm around my shoulder and squeezed me “oh Amy don’t say that. I’m sure you two can work something out! Maybe you just need some time apart so that you can both just get your heads around the idea?”

I nodded “maybe that would be a good idea, sometime apart to just work things out. Him not wanting children is really starting to bug me too!”

“Why don’t you ring him and just say you want time apart?” she asked

“We haven’t really spoke all day Sarah. I think I might just be a coward and text! He won’t agree and I really do need time by myself. I feel like I’ve been rushing everything since me and Ben split up. Things with Liam are still so fresh as well and I really miss him as a friend but Cal now hates him so I can’t even be friends with him unless Cal doesn’t know but I don’t want to be with someone who dis-allows me to speak to people! I had that with Ben and I don’t want to go through that again Sarah” I turned to face her.

“Then just text him and say you need some space to sort your head out. You’ve had some really hard months and I don’t think you’ve really had time to process everything that’s happened darl and if Cal really cares about you then he will understand” she smiled at me

I nodded whilst picking up my phone to text Cal. I knew I was being a coward but this is how I wanted to do it. “Here goes” I said

“Cal, I’ve been thinking about things and I really feel that I need some space for a while to just be by myself to think about everything that’s going on. I’m not breaking up with you; I’m just saying that I need some time to evaluate some things. I really hope you understand. I love you. Amy xxx” I let out a breath as I finished saying it “what do you think?” I asked Sarah

“I think it says it perfectly darl” she smiled warmly

“Now just to wait for a reply” I grimaced

“I’m sure he will be fine about it”

We quickly polished off the bottle and then Sarah went back home. As I relaxed on the sofa with a cup of tea and One Tree Hill, my phone went off with a text. I picked it up whilst my heart was hammering inside my chest.

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