Chapter 27

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We stayed embraced for a few more minutes before Cal pulled away. He placed his thumb on my cheek and wiped away my tears.

“It’s all ok now here” he told me as he tried to reassure me. He perched beside me on the bed and picked up my hands “I have missed you so much Amy. I have been so incredibly stupid and I am so sorry” a tear escaped from his eye and trickled down his cheek.

“I’ve missed you too Cal but I’ve had Sarah, Jake and Liam to help me. I so wanted to tell you about being pregnant but I was so scared about how you would take it! I mean we broke up because you didn’t want children and then there I was pregnant and you telling me that you were leaving. I didn’t want to ruin your plans Cal”

“Amy as soon as Jake told me that you had been pregnant, the first thing I felt was happiness. And then Jake told me what happened and you know what I did? I burst into tears. And poor Jake had to try and comfort me a few hundred miles away. Amy I realised that I wanted children with you! I wanted a future with you.”

“But the baby’s gone” I whispered as fresh tears appeared

Cal pulled me close to him “I know babe “he whispered soothingly as he started to cry again too

“How was Spain?” I asked trying to change the subject

He looked at me as he smiled wiping away his tears “it was ok. Beautiful weather and beautiful football but there was one thing missing. You were missing Amy”

“You could have stayed Cal” I whispered

“I wish I had Amy. You would have told me about the pregnancy and things would have been different” he looked at me seriously

"I should tell you that I was with Liam while you were away. Not as a couple but we got pretty close” I risked a glance at him “Cal I really don’t know what I want right now. Just telling you so that you know”

“I can’t pretend that I’m ok with you being so close to Liam but it’s not really my place to say anything is it? He’s probably always going to like you but Amy I’m in love with you”

I looked up at the ceiling “Things are different now and I have a lot of things to deal with right now. I just lost my daughter”

“You mean our daughter Amy” he told me fiercely as he got up and walked around

“But you left Cal and I was alone. Christ I was probably going to be a single mum! I hadn’t heard from you the whole time that you had been away! And what you think that you can come in here and be the hero Cal? Well you can’t! You left me! And now you’re telling me that you’re in love with me but yet you haven’t had the balls to speak to me since you left!” I yelled at him

“Amy I didn’t think that you wanted to hear from me! You broke up with me remember! And when I showed up before I left, you were with Liam!” he shouted back. Anger becoming visible in his eyes

“I broke up with you because you didn’t want the same things as me! Not because I stopped loving you! Damn it I still do love you!” I screamed and then winced as my chest hurt

Cal looked taken aback as he came and sat back on the bed with me “are you ok?” he whispered

I just nodded as an answer

“I don’t know what you want me to say Amy. I’ve said I’m sorry, I’ve admitted that I’ve been stupid and I’ve told you that I want a future with you Amy!”

“It’s just a little bit too late cal. And I’ve told you that I don’t know what I want right now”

“Please Amy just tell me what I can do!” he pleaded

“Look Cal I can’t do anything right now. I’m thinking about going to my parents for a little while just so I can figure things out in my head. I’m so confused right now about things. I have feelings for you obviously but there are feelings there for Liam as well. I just need some time away from you all. And I need to properly grieve for my baby” I whispered

“When are you thinking of leaving?” he asked looking like all the fight had gone out of him.

“I’ve rang Shane and he’s coming to get me tomorrow” I told him

“When do you think you’ll be back?”

I looked at him and whispered “I really don’t know Cal”

Authors note

Sorry this was a short chapter but a lot happens in the last chapter of this part!

So what do you think about Amy leaving? Is she right to do so?

The reads on my chapters are still not sorted so let me know if you're reading!

Ive also started a new story if you're interested, its on my homepage :)

Dedication to shorty101 because of all the lovely comments and votes. I really do appreciate all you're support that you've shown me :)

Much Love

Leanne xx

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