Chapter 42

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March – 1 month later

Well the day was here, the day our parents were finally going to meet! To say I was nervous was definitely an understatement! We had decided to just keep it casual and invite everyone to ours for coffee and tea so that it was all more relaxed.

Me and Cal were sat in the lounge waiting when we heard the doorbell go. Cal jumped up “I’ll get it Amy” he smiled as he walked through to the front door.

I nervously sat twiddling my thumbs as I heard muffled voices from the hallway. But then Cal came through with my parents so I got up to welcome them.

“Hi mum, hi dad” I called as I hugged each of them in turn “babe do you mind putting the kettle on?” I turned to ask Cal

“Yeah sure” he smiled as he walked through to the kitchen

“Your house is lovely Amy” my mum commented as she took a seat

“Did you find it ok?” I asked

“Yes no trouble we borrowed Shane’s sat navy thingy” mum smiled as dad just laughed

“Sat navy thingy? Oh Lord Eve, you’re getting so old love” dad joked which earned him a whack from mum which just made me smile. Then the doorbell went.

“I’ll get it” Cal called from the hallway as he let his parents in

“You ok love?” mum asked me

“Yeah just nervous” I mumbled which made my dad laugh and my mum smile. Then Cal came into the lounge with his parents following. I stood up and Cal came to stand with me.

“Sue and Tom, these are my parents John and Eve” I smiled introducing everyone. The dads shook hands whilst the mums exchanged cheek kisses.

Cal disappeared to make the drinks and our parents settled into friendly conversation with each other. It was like they had known each other for years! I just sat and flicked through a bridal magazine until Cal came back!

“So guys have you set a date?” my mum asked

“No not yet, were happy to just be engaged for a while first” Cal answered as I smiled in answer.

The afternoon passed quickly and our parents seemed to really get on! They hardly spoke to me and Cal at all! They had arranged for the four of them to go out for a meal later! And that evening I went round to Sarah’s for a catch up.

“I’m afraid it’s still no wine until this baby is out of me!” Sarah laughed as we sat down with our teas on the sofa. Cal and Jake had gone to the pub to watch a football match so we could have proper girl time together

“That’s fine” I laughed “not long to go though!”

“I know, 4 weeks to go” she smiled as she rubbed her huge bump! “About bloody time though, I’m like a whale!” she laughed

“No you’re not your glowing” I smiled

“Thanks darl, so anyway how was meet the parents?” she asked

“Fantastic actually, me and Cal got totally ignored by all of them and they’ve gone out for tea tonight with each other” I laughed

“That good then!” she smiled “how are you and Cal?”

“Really good thank you” I replied as my phone went off with a text

‘Hey Amy, I know this is out of the blue but I’m leaving this week and I didn’t want to leave things on a bad note with you. Is there any chance your free tomorrow? Liam xx’

“What’s up?” Sarah asked

“Erm Liam has just text me, saying that he’s leaving so he wants to clear things up” I told her

“Jake mentioned about that but I was unsure whether to tell you or not” she shrugged

“Its fine, I’ll speak to Cal about it but I would like to see him and clear things up especially if he’s leaving” I replied

“Yeah I don’t blame you Hun. Right dvd time” she smiled as I laughed

That night as we laid in bed I decided to bring up the text I received.

“Cal, there’s something I need to speak to you about” I turned and told him

He sat up straighter and looked at me “what’s up Amy?” he asked looking worried

“I received a text from Liam today. He’s leaving and he wants to clear things up with me. I understand if you don’t want me too though”

He looked at me and smiled “Amy its fine. If you want to see him to sort things out then that’s fine” he smiled “text him now and arrange it”

I leant over and kissed him “thank you babe”


The next day Cal went out so that Liam could come round. It was very quiet and awkward to start with as we sat in my lounge.

“It’s a nice place you’ve got here” he told me

“Yeah thanks, were happy with it” I smiled “so where are you off too?” I asked

“I don’t know yet. I’m just going to go to the airport and see where I end up. I’ve applied for working visas in a few places just in case I go there” he smiled

“That sounds great Liam. I wish you the best of luck” I genuinely told him

“Thanks Amy. Basically I wanted to see you before I left just to say that I’m sorry. I realize now that you and Cal really love each other and that he’s good for you. I guess I was just a jealous twat” he told me

“Its fine Liam, you were just looking out for me but with your best intentions rather than what was best for me”

“I’m sorry Amy, I guess jealously just got in the way. Thank you though. I’ve gotta go though so sorry this was quick” he told me as he stood up

“Take care of yourself Liam” I answered as I walked over to him and gave him a hug

“You too Amy. Take care, I’ll miss you”

“Keep in touch yeah?” I asked

He nodded as he pulled away and smiled as I then led him to the front door.

“Goodbye Liam”

“Goodbye Amy”

I then watched him leave the house but also probably leave my life.

Chapter dedicated to southpaw94 for voting for every single chapter. I really do appreciate it :)

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