Discovery Of A Backstory

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Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the Hunger Games Family Meet n' Greet!

Previously on the Hunger Games channel, the Talk Games with Amos and Patton, where the two men discussed this year's tributes and highlights of each of their times in the arena were shown.

Hosting tonight, our lovely Amos Flickerman and his co-host, Patton Gerard!

"Good evening, folks! It's lovely to be here talking to you lot! Did you miss me?!" The familiar voice of Amos Flickerman boomed across the live audience as they cheered.

A collective 'yes' could be clearly heard.

"Well we know you missed me... did you miss my partner in crime, Patton Gerard?" Amos continued, earning the same reaction and a cacophony of whoops and applause as his co-host entered the stage. 

"Hello, ladies and gentlemen!" The green-haired man yelled into the darkness beyond the edge of the raised platform, the light blocking the two presenters from seeing their witnesses.

"Today we'll be meeting and talking to the families of the tributes both alive, and dead. So... are you all excited?!" Both said the last line together once Amos had finished his speaking.

The audience got progressively louder as the presenters sat down in their crisp white chairs, next to each other.

"First, we welcome to the stage, Shoto Todoroki's father and mother, Enji Todoroki and Rei Todoroki!" Amos said loudly, turning to the side of the stage to see the bulky man and the frail woman walk to the two empty chairs opposite the host duo.

"Hello, Enji and Rei! How are you doing today?" Patton said, eagerly hopping to the edge of his seat to be heard better by the older couple.

Enji spoke first.

"I'm doing fine. The train bringing us here was a few minutes late so I'm a little angry from that but besides that, we're alright. Right, honey?" The bulky red-haired man elbowed his wife next to him out of sight of the camera.

Her eyes lifted and brightened from the nudge. Nodding timidly, she sunk into her seat, attempting to get further away from the scarred man beside her.

"Yes, the train was the only inconvenience." The white-haired woman muttered and looked down at her feet.

"Well, I suppose we'll have to check in with the train companies then!" Amos's obnoxious laughter carried over the awkwardness, shifting onto a change of topic.

"So, Enji, what kind of person is Shoto at home? Is he different in the arena or is he the same?"

Rei looked up and it seemed as though she wanted to say something when her husband cut her off.

"He is quite similar. He's always been calm, collected, and lethal. Much like I trained him to be myself. He's been working for this ever since he turned 9. If he doesn't win, he doesn't deserve to be known as my son. In my eyes, that's practically disowning himself." Enji spoke quick and fast, so self-assured and convinced that he was in the right.

"Actually, it was me that trained him..." A small voice came from the woman beside the proud man.

"Rei- we said I would be doing the talking," Enji spoke low so the camera couldn't pick him up.

"I know, but you're feeding lies to everyone!" The white-haired woman faced the two hosts, "It was me that trained him actually and he hasn't been training for that long. He only started two years ago when he was suddenly interested with the girl that he saw at training. That Momo that died in there. Such a horrid fate." The woman seemingly ran out of courage as she sat on the edge of her seat, hands fidgeting.

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