The Final Showdown

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(A/N: I'M SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING THIS SOONER. I feel like I should start this off with an apology because I'm so incredibly aware of how long it's been since the last time I posted a chapter from this story. I've had exams, other school events, careers week, as well as a solid block of writer's block. I've had half of this done for so long but it took a while for me to find the time to continue it. I finished it just this morning, as I've just started the summer holidays. Anyone going anywhere nice this summer? Once again, I'm sorry for not updating until today, and thanks to anyone who stuck around this long!) 

Hitoshi Shinso's pov:

"Found you."

I spun around, panic etched over my features when I realised who had been standing behind me.

"So you did." I kept my answer short and simple so as not to alert the man of my emotions. He couldn't know I was scared. That'd be half the game lost. And I don't lose.

Not to that dual-haired bastard, and not to him.

But he could see how exhausted I had become after fighting off those fucking mutts. He knew I had the disadvantage... unless he was just better at hiding it. What if he was in my exact position?

I couldn't let the thought that he might have the upper hand distract me from the end goal. Killing that District 1 boy gave me one of the greatest rushes I've ever felt. And I didn't want it to end, as selfish as that sounds. Would you let something as simple as murder stop you from feeling so good?

Growling in warning, I shuffled to twist my entire body his way.

"Glad I did as well. Now I can get rid of you. You killed my ally, as short-lived as the partnership was. And now you get to pay. In short, I'll be taking your life now. Thank you very much." I raised an eyebrow at all the formalities in the minuscule speech.

"It's nothing personal. Just murder. It doesn't have to go like this you know." Speaking clearly, I narrowed my eyes.

"Begging for your life are we?" His tick-shaped eyebrows flexed in almost mock amusement.

"Not so much begging for my life as it is a threat."

"Well, I suppose I should see just how big this 'threat' really is." The blue-haired boy clarified before breaking into a sprint, readying his blade high in the air. Analysing his position, I realised that the intention was for the knife to be the centre of attention, as his right leg was moving out, almost like it was about to become a danger.

Dodging in time, I grabbed his arm, pulling it behind his sturdy and flexed back, pressing my knee into the small of it.

"Never underestimate me."

"Oh, I won't make that mistake again." He muttered quietly before using explosive power and speed to break out of my hold. Obviously, he knew I wasn't holding him well, those mutts taking more of a toll on me than I thought.

Spinning around, the boy in front of me gripped my neck between his rough fingers, pressing me harshly against a nearby tree trunk. Wheezing, I cried... or attempted to cry out, hands clawing out at the blockage in my windpipe.

"C-can't... bre- breathe... breathe..." My eyes watered, closing on instinct, a hard punch landing on my cheek that pushed my neck to strain against the fist around my throat.

A dark chuckle escaped my captor's lips, "That's the point."

My eyes widened at his sudden change in tone, gaze displaying all the emotions that rushed through me in just that simple second. Fear, worry, distress, panic, resignation, acceptance. Leaning my head back on the tree bark, I attempted just once more to pull a breath back in but to no avail. The blue-haired boy's grip was just too ferocious.

~Fire Is Catching~ {Kiribaku Hunger Games AU}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora