If I Die Young

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A/N: I've included this song and it'll be useful in the chapter but it isn't necessary. It'll be clear when it's to be played. 

I was standing holding hands with Katsuki on top of the Cornucopia, waiting for our victory announcement.

But it never came...

Looking out, I saw a small figure in the treeline but I didn't click that it was the last tribute until an arrow shot into my shoulder at the speed of light.

"Fuck!" I heard myself yell, alarming Katsuki of the person that had been slowly walking towards us using the shadows. He followed her movements to realise she was getting another arrow ready and aiming it at me again but before the mysterious girl could release it, he ducked both of us down, letting the arrow fly over our heads.

"Thank you, Kat." I looked up at him.

As our eyes met, I saw something I hadn't seen this entire game...


What was he so afraid of?

We both got 12s, we could beat her, as we did to the others. But something was telling me that she wasn't to be underestimated. Clearly, she was skilled with a bow but we didn't know if she had any other tricks up her sleeve and for that, we had to remain vigilant.

Glancing up at where she was again, I realised that she had moved without making a sound. Where could she have gone? Was it all a hallucination? Were the Games already over?

Suddenly, a sharp pain began in my left thigh from where I was lying. I tried to move but as soon as I shuffled, another area started to throb agonisingly. I cried out and Katsuki looked to me before staring at my back and leg. What could have him so scared?

Looking behind me, I saw that I had two arrows stuck in my back and leg. She was behind us this whole time!

As if seeing the arrows was the key, I began to heavily breathe, hyperventilating as I realised my situation here.

Am I going to die?

Before I could shake that thought, another arrow flew and hit my other shoulder, from behind me this time.

"Ah!" Crying out, I felt tears of pain spring to my eyes before falling down my slightly tanned cheeks.

"It's alright... you'll be ok, Eijiro. You've taken down a fucking mountain lion before and you think this will be hard? Come on, where's my manly boyfriend gone?"

As I tried to slow down my breathing with Katsuki's help, another arrow hit me, this time just above my hip. I was slowly becoming a pincushion for this girl to freely aim at.

I have to live! For Katsuki! For my family!

I can't die here! Not now, not after everything I've been through to get this win with Katsuki, my true love.

It was as though he heard his own name, as he began sprinting over to the figure head-on, brandishing a sword to cut her down with. But as soon as he got anywhere close to her, she quickly shot an arrow into his foot, setting her sights back on my the minute he stopped getting nearer.

"I don't want to hurt you Katsuki. But if you attempt to stop me from killing Eijiro, I will have to. You deserve to win, not this red-headed bastard so I'm going to shoot him with as many arrows as can fill onto his body until he's dead and we can finally win this thing. Together. Like I'd always dreamed." The figure finally spoke, informing us of her plan to murder me.

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