And So It Goes...

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(Only listen to the song above when I instruct you to!) 

Third Person:

Eijiro Kirishima stood there, eyes travelling to the deceased boy not even 5 metres from him; his lover towered over the steadily bleeding body, entire form tensed. And with good reason. They had just won.

Kirishima couldn't believe it. He'd actually won!

The silence that remained in the arena was palpable, suffocating in the heat of the artificial savannah.

The two lovers swallowed deeply, breathing in, and moving their heads so their eyes met. Crimson on crimson. The overwhelming feelings between the two reigned true as they started running into each other's already opened arms.

Embracing with their full force, the viewers screamed praises from behind their screens. Whether that be in the Capitol, or in the Districts. They'd just won the 87th annual Hunger Games.

Hot, salty tears ran down Katsuki Bakugo's face as he stared lovingly at his partner, not only as a victor but as a soulmate. The two knew they'd remain together for as long as they could imagine. Hands cupped Kirishima's burning cheeks as the two came together for a tender and soul-reuniting kiss. There was nothing left to worry about but the trifling matters of the Capitol after their assured win.

A crackle of static resonated throughout the sky... fake sky as Kirishima and Bakugo pulled away from each other. They both stared up to where they assumed the noise was coming from.

"And here we have it, Eijiro Kirishima, and Katsuki Bakugo, our winners of the 87th... annual Hunger Games!!!!" The voice from above announced to the audience that was surely applauding even if they could not see.

After the voice faded with another burst of static, the two wordlessly hugged each other with all their might, trapping their other half with an embrace that spoke only of their burning love. It was as if flames erupted around them as they were surrounded by an intense heat that seemed to protect them from the barren savannah.

"Keep holding on, Katsuki." The red-head spoke softly yet loud enough for him to hear over the noise of the sky opening up.

The mechanical whirring filled their ears as they peered up at what used to be a cloudless blue expanse. What stood in place of that was a hovercraft, branded with the Capitol insignia on the left side.

They really were free.


"Well, done you dumbass bastard." The emotionless caterpillar voiced, his eyes closed and his face void of any excitement.

"Thank you, Sir, I suppose?" Kirishima responded, his tone becoming that of a question. He knew Aizawa wasn't one for festivities, but this was a little extreme he couldn't help but think.

"Awww, come on Shota! Give the kid a break! He just won the Hunger Games!" Present Mic yelled happily, "Well done by the way."

"Thank you, Sir!" Despite his hidden dislike for his mentor's over-the-top attitude, he couldn't help but express his gratitude for teaching him how to survive in the arena.

Looking around the hotel floor that used to be brimming with life, he realised how empty it looked when there were not too many people occupying the spacious area. Tamaki of course wasn't here, courtesy of Kirishima's jaw, and the stylists weren't here as they were preparing for tonight.

What was tonight you may ask?

Well, tonight, they would be reunited with the world once more.

~Fire Is Catching~ {Kiribaku Hunger Games AU}Where stories live. Discover now