Training Day

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Eijiro Kirishima's pov:

Day 1 of training... don't show off what you're good at. Easiest trick in the book. If everyone doesn't show what they're good at, then people will have something to surprise the other tributes with. But my theory is slightly different...

If everyone does this, then no one will ever expect any different. What if someone shows everything they're good at without hiding anything? Everyone will think, damn they're dangerous. Don't want to get on their bad side. It seems as though they're hiding something still. Then you have no surprises. Everyone is prepared for something that you can't even imagine doing.

So that's what I'm going to do. I don't care if Present Mic tells me to hold my punches, I'm going all out to intimidate the other weak losers who got picked. At least I volunteered unlike the others who just run out of luck.

I was stood in front of my mirror, admiring the training outfits they'd given us to use for the next two days. They'd changed it up a bit and now they were skin tight all black one pieces.

Heading to the front door with Tamaki, I grabbed my black trainers and left. In the elevator I hastily put them on and tied the laces. Tamaki would just come soon after me. At least now I can think alone for once.

I can't get attached to him or anyone. Everyone will either be killed or kill me if I give them the chance. It's best not to let anyone in...

but that boy.

He just seemed so capable and smart, and... beautiful. That's not the point! He could actually stand a chance and from how we interacted at the parade, I'd say we have pretty good chemistry. But that could be him just trying to get into my head. I shouldn't be so sure I can trust him yet. But with time maybe I can.

Ignoring the thoughts ravaging my brain, I stepped out of the elevator and made my way to the Tribute Training Centre where we were told to head before 9:00 in the morning. The time was currently 8:48. I had 12 minutes before the briefing before we were allowed to attack the mannequins.

Slowly, I opened the doors to the centre and saw that about half the tributes were already waiting, including District 12.

As if he knew what I was thinking, the ash blonde boy made his way towards me. I panicked. What was he doing coming towards me? Is he going to pick a fight? Then I'll be prepared. Standing with more confidence, I awaited when he would stand in front of me.

"Shitty Hair. Come with me for a second. I need to talk to you." God damn. Even his voice sounded sexy! Realising I was staring, I quickly nodded and followed him when he turned to head in the opposite direction.

A few more minutes of walking and we'd walked as far away from the other tributes as we could.

"Ok. What's your name?" He asked me.

I was still sceptical but it was just a simple question. So I answered.

"Eijiro Kirishima. You?" Turning the question on him, the boy answered.

"Katsuki Bakugo. And the bubbly looking girl that is my teammate, Ochaco Uraraka. I have a question I want to ask you. Feel free to say no. Don't pity me." He said, a scowl crossing his features for a split second before disappearing.

"Ok... go on?"

"Will you team up with me and Uraraka? I asked her first and she agreed. You look like you're good at at least a few things so having you around as an ally would be quite useful and... I felt something when I first saw you. I don't know if you felt it too or I'm just speaking out of my ass but I want to win this thing with you, Kirishima." With the sincerest smile I knew he could muster, he looked at me, eyes full of longing and hope.

Gulping, I thought about the question. Team up with the guy who also felt a connection yesterday, or stay solo and hope he's the other victor? I have to admit that helping him would make it easier for us to grow as people together but would it be worth the risk with the extra person?

I decided to risk it.

"Ok. I'll be your ally for as long as we're still alive. But if I feel unsafe or in danger from you or Uraraka, then I won't hesitate to kill you and run. Got it?" I said, wary of his expression to see if he'd give anything away.

"Of course. And you wouldn't have that easy a time trying to kill either of us. She may not look like much but Uraraka is a mean gymnast so catching her is nigh-an impossible." Bakugo told me and I smirked.

"I'll have to take your word for it until I see otherwise." Huffing a laugh, he smiled once more before returning to his prominent scowl and headed back to the lady who just came entered, ready to tell us the briefing.

"Ok, tributes! Surround me!" Weall did as she said. A few dirty looks were thrown at one another but they never bothered me. All that had my attention was the fact that Bakugo had tabbed my hand to drag me over here and hadn't let go yet. My heart was pounding uncontrollably and my face had erupted into a blushing mess.

Why must he do this to me?

The lady continued and finished the briefing before we were sent our own ways. Pulling me along, Bakugo made his way to our teammate, Uraraka. She saw us and smiled a beautiful smile before offering me her hand.

"Hello, Spike!" She said, shaking my hand strongly.

"I'm Eijiro Kirishima!"

"Ochaco Uraraka!" We heard a cough and turned to see a growling Bakugo.

"You guys done?" He said and we nodded.

"Good. Let's do some training. Kiri, what kind of stuff do you like to use?"

"Well I like to use spears and swords. At home I work in a textile factor so I know how to use small blades and knives. Is that good enough?" I said, rubbing my neck.

"Ok then... let's start with the knife throwing..." He smirked and took my hand once more, leading me over to the knife rack.

"Let's kill some mannequins."

~Fire Is Catching~ {Kiribaku Hunger Games AU}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora