The Bloodbath

147 13 133

Eijiro Kirishima's pov:

The canon was fired and as we prepared to jump off the platforms, a man said over the intercom...

"May the 87th Annual Hunger Games


And so they began.

Once his sentence was finished, everyone sped off their platforms. The majority of the smaller ones ran away, knowing they couldn't defeat us but hoped to have a better chance in the long run. The older, bigger ones stayed to battle it out, to show who would be the one to fear in the arena. Who would get the most kills?

This year they'd display who killed who rather than just displaying the fallen. That way, rivalry's could begin to form. If your ally or teammate was killed, you'd hope to avenge them, correct? Well this was to enforce that idea.

And I hoped to attract as many people by killing as many teammates as possible.

As soon as I ran, I saw a blonde haired guy with quite big muscles. He was running quite fast so I sprinted up behind him and twisted his neck. He fell to the ground after spitting a few droplets of blood onto the ground.

1 kill.

I continued to run but I saw a pink haired girl come up from my right. Turning bad quick as possible, I punched her square in the jaw, her head snapping to the side.

"You'll pay for that!" She screamed and continued to feebly throw punches and kicks which I easily dodged.

"You'll have to try better than that, sweetheart." I gripped her throat and held her against the ground, her face turning blue. About ten second later, she stopped clawing at my hand and fell limp in my hold.

2 kills.

After those two kills, I ran into where most of the action was and grabbed a spear. About three smaller teenagers who didn't run tried to pry it from my hand before I stabbed two of their hearts and one of their heads.

5 kills.

I continued on my bloody rampage around the Cornucopia until I found Ochaco being pinned down by some dual haired bastard.

"Hey! Get off her, you twat!" I screamed and attempted to throw the spear at him. To my dismay, he dodged but saw he was outmatched and signalled for a black haired girl with a broken arm to leave too. They began to run before we could catch up to them.

"Shit... Those are the District 1 pricks..." I said unconsciously and Ochaco nodded.

"Let's go back to the action, Eijiro." She licked her lips and I chuckled lightly before turning around and running back to the Cornucopia which was only a few meters away. After heading around to the side I hadn't checked yet, I saw Bakugo fighting off a yellow-haired kid and a one-handed black-haired boy. As soon as they saw us walk towards them, they squealed and ran as fast as they could away.

"Yeah, you better run!" I heard Katsuki yell after them which I laughed at. Hearing me, he turned around and sighed.

"They were running from you guys weren't they?" I nodded uncertainly but he shrugged and threw his sword into the heart of a running green-haired girl.

"Who's next?" Katsuki grinned at us before we turned around and scanned the perimeter of the Cornucopia for any other tributes.

"Seems as though it's empty of anyone besides us." I said walking towards the treasure held inside of the black shelter.

"At least we can camp out here with enough resources and weapons for a few weeks." I continued going through the items left here, soon uncovering around 20 water bottles and a big pile of food.

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