Scores Announced

112 11 48

Eijiro Kirishima's pov:

I was sitting outside of the training room with all the other tributes, waiting for my name to be called, when Bakugo walked up behind me and patted my head. Giggling, I swatted his hand away and turned around, a smirk on my face.

"What was that for, Kat?" His eyes widened at the nickname and he grumbled under his breath. I saw the heat rising up his neck but didn't comment.

"Shut up, Shitty Hair."

"Oh ho? Still with the nicknames I see? Alright Blasty McSplode." He turned even redder although this time I think it was a little anger or embarrassment.

"Tamaki Amajiki." My fellow District 8 tribute was called, signalling I had a majority of 10 minutes until it was my time to impress the judges. The blue haired boy shyly trudged through the door and out of sight.

"Let's hope he doesn't do that well... I'd like to think we have a good chance of winning out of us three. You'd better get at least a ten, Shitty Hair. Or even better, an eleven." I heard Katsuki say so I turned around to face him, eyebrows furrowing in the process.

"Eleven? Why not twelve?"

"Psh- everyone knows it's practically impossible to get twelve even if you pulled off the most amazing trick." He huffed and I sighed, following suit.

Silence hit and soon Uraraka joined us in our conversation. Her words are still swimming through my ears.

"The Red Dagger will rest at nothing until they achieve ultimate victory. Whether that be in training or in the arena. We will win without a doubt." It was all very intimidating when she said it... but then immediately after she had, her lips drew upwards drastically into a smile that could just barely graze mine.


"So, I said that's not a camel... that's my wife!" I heard a voice say. I turned around to see quite a tall boy, he looked to be around two years older than me. He had blue eyes and strangely curled hair. Almost like that old comic book character Tin-Tin. His grin showed he was all bark but no bite. He could say all he wanted but wouldn't be a serious threat in the arena.

The man was laughing uncontrollably while the person he was telling the joke to had the most bored expression on... his face? It was hard to tell when their head is that of a... bird?

"Eijiro Kirishima."


Guess it's my time to shine, huh?

"Show then who's the real danger here. You'll beat all those other extras and get on top. Let's see who'll get the higher score... Eijiro. Now go fuck with their minds!" Katsuki smirked and playfully punched my arm, cheering me on his own tsundere fashion.

"Will do, Chief." I saluted and nodded at Uraraka who nodded back.

"Time to get this show on the road!"

Jogging through the door, I found myself back in the corridor on the way to the training room. Of course when I arrived it was empty, and void of people, but it definitely hit me with a wave of nostalgia.

Glancing up at the judges, I saw that they were busy feasting behind what looked to be an electromagnetic field. Obviously a safety precaution put in place ever since Katniss fire her famous arrow at the apple in that pig's mouth. They hadn't seen me yet. Being as quiet as I possibly could, I didn't attract the attention of anyone until I reached the centre, clearing my throat to announce my arrival.

"Eijiro Kirishima, here for individual assessment." What looked to be the lead gamemaster nodded and gestures for me to proceed. Turning around, I looked over all the possible weapons to show off with.

After analysing the weapons and the surrounding area, including the shield between the people and I, I went over to grab my props for the show. I dragged a peacekeeper's uniform to the centre of their line of sight, and continued bringing equipment until I'd gathered everything necessary. Slowly, I picked up the legs of the peacekeeper uniform and went to hold the spear in my other hand.

As quick as lightning, I threw the uniform in the air and threw the spear at the shield. The judges jumped dramatically but calmed down once they realised they were in no real danger. Instead, they were in awe at what I'd done.

I spun around, picking up the throwing knives and narrowed my eyes at the target now stuck to the wall. The peacekeeper's uniform was hanging on the wall, spear running through its heart. Sneering at it, I raised the first knife and proceeded to hit it in the centre of its head. I continued hitting the uniform until it resembled a clean white pincushion.

And finally, for the last act of the show, I took my trusty sword in hand and threw it in a manner that allowed it to slice half of its hip and lodge itself where the supposed genitals would be.

Panting, I turned around to watch the horrified faces of the judges. Giving them a dangerous smile, I bowed low and thanked them for their time.

Strutting out of the room, I felt proud with what talents I showed off in front of them. Surely that would get a high score?


Anxiety. It crept up into my brain while we were sitting on the huge sectional, Present Mic, Aizawa, and the head stylists too.

Today was the day we were to receive our results for our odds. 1 being the lowest score, and 12 being the highest. It was almost impossible to get a 12 and you'd have to be incompetent to reach a score lower than 3. Most of the tributes lower than 14 usually had low scores as their bodies weren't built enough to handle long fights, and draining exercise that could go on for longer than a month.

All of a sudden, the Capitol jingle could be heard resonating around the large glass room.

"Hello, Capitol, and welcome to this year's training results. Our hand-picked judges have considered every factor of each tribute's performance and compiled them into an overall score from 1 to 12. 1 being the lowest, 12 being the highest. As you can see, we-" I zoned out for most of Amos' introduction and only focused on the competition's scores.

"Momo Yaoyorozu. 9.

Shoto Todoroki. 10.

Tenya Iida. 8.

Yuga Aoyama. 6.

Hitoshi Shinso. 6."

I continued to listen to each score, humming dangerously when anyone got a score of 9 or above. Not many people this year had extremely high scores. That's definitely better for The Red Dagger...

"Tamaki Amajiki. 7"

His stylist clapped and hugged the trembling boy. After a quick celebration for the other District 8 tribute, my face came into the screen. The entire team was on the edge of their seats and I knew in the penthouse suit, they would be awaiting the results too.

"Eijiro Kirishima. 12."

A beat of silence occurred as I zoned out the rest of the programme. I could hear the rest of the time jumping up and down in pure excitement. But I stayed quiet. Why bother celebrating when the only thing that needed to be done was to determine my teammates scores.

Out of curiosity though, I peered at Tamaki who was looking at me a little concerned. Feeling no remorse for my actions, I positioned my hand in a thumbs up and slid it across my neck, smirking as I did. The look of pure fear that crossed the scaredy cat almost made me burst into laughter but I just focused on the last few words coming from Flickerman's mouth.

"Ochaco Uraraka. 10."

"Katsuki Bakugo.-"

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