Welcome the Mentors

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Eijiro Kirishima's pov:

Shota Aizawa walked through the door along with the elf-eared boy, Tamaki.

"Are we leaving now?" I asked, my voice coming out shakier than I intended it to. I was only answered with a curt nod from the sleep-deprived yellow worm before he turned to leave. Expecting Tamaki and I to follow him, he started walking outside and to a sleek black car. Only the rich families owned cars here in District 8, so being in one now was a real luxury.

I guess before being sent to the arena of death, we get to sit in the lap of luxury. Do they expect that to be our gifts before we die? No. I'm going to make it out so I can receive loads more of this treatment. This isn't the last of me they'll see.

Aizawa opened the backseat door and let the older boy next to me in first before sliding in himself. After that, I got in and closed the door once I was comfortable.

"Ok. So you'll be able to sleep in the Capitol's luxury suites and eat the food sent up to us from the chefs. You'll each get a bedroom and an en-suite of your own. I hope you'll find it very glamorous before you go into the custom made arena. Your my little tributes and I'll be damned if I don't give you the best treatment." I heard Aizawa speak even though I wasn't particularly paying attention.

"Your mentor should be in the train we will ride on to reach the Capitol. The 79th winner, Hizashi Yamada, or more commonly known as Present Mic." That I heard.

"Didn't he win by yelling so loud, attracting other tributes to where he was so they would find and kill each other for him? He was pretty smart and didn't actually get his hands dirty but waited and caused people to kill others." I asked, curiosity lacing my voice.

"That's correct. You'll find he has lots of strategies that'll work against any types of people in there. Vicious types, quiet types, loud types, hiding types, and many more."

Nodding, I turned once more to the window and looked at the run down buildings I'd seen a million times before.


"So this is the train we will depart on. You'll see that the wood furnitures are carved from expensive mahogany, the candlesticks are pure silver, and the chairs are lined with real blue velvet." Aizawa said as we entered a blueish, silverish streamlined train.

"It's so fast, and hovers so it's smooth and feels like you're floating!" He said with slightly more enthusiasm then normal. He must really like his sleep then...


Oh god he's too loud. I'll have to refrain from killing him too. I thought, rolling my eyes.

An extremely loud voice came from in front of us. We heard him before we saw him.

"You listeners must be the two tributes! Well you're in luck! I'm your mentor! Hizashi Yamada, but you can just call me Present Mic." Walking into our line of sight, he reached a hand out for us to take.

Tamaki cowered begins Aizawa before inching forwards timidly and shaking his hand. I, on the other hand, walked forwards, a false smile plastered on my face.

"Eijiro Kirishima, sir. I'm willing to learn from you! I can't wait to get in their and win this thing." I said enthusiastically.

Smiling, he shook my hand vigorously and motioned for us to sit in the blue velvet chairs on the other side of the room.

"If you want tips, I'll give you tips! Just listen to me!"

How could we not listen to him? It was like his volume box had no settings and he was on permanent shout mode.

"Ok, sir. Tell us what you know!"


It was soon time to sleep.

We'd spent the rest of the day before dinner talking about different survival strategies. How to make shelter, get food quickly, find a water source. And the most important: weapon choice. You'd have to find something you can kill with well. It's no use having a tool you can use with half-assed strength. You have to be able to murder with it successfully. And for me, that was spears and swords and a few small blades.

Making my way to my temporary room, I fished out a few videos of past hunger games so I decided I'd go through a couple to pick up some useful techniques.

The first one was of Katniss's year, and the second was the year after where they put past victors in. The one where the rebellion interrupted the end. The one that changed nothing.

After a few more hours of analysis, I headed to bed, a busy day tomorrow. Looking out the window, I saw the lights of the districts we were passing. Tomorrow we'd arrive at the Capitol, the citizens eager to meet us before we'd be whisked away to be prettied up for the chariot riding that night.

Heading to the bed, I let sleep take me in its arms.


All of a sudden I was woken up. I looked over at the window and saw that
It was daylight already.

That seemed quick.

Out of bed I went, before hanging clothes and brushing my long black hair out of its tangles. I brushed my grimy teeth and walked into the communal area where I saw Tamaki already digging into the light feast presented on the breakfast bar for us.

"Morning Tami." I greeted him and his ears went bright red.


"You cool bro? Your ears are kinda red." After I said that, he looked down and his ears turned ever redder.

Definitely nervousness.

I decided to play my cards right and be nice to him before we became enemies in three days.

"Don't worry. It's ok to be nervous, but there's really no need. We know each other... kinda. And we can trust one another so don't be scared to speak your mind around me bro! I don't bite!" I said, smiling at the end with my sharp shark teeth showing. He whimpered a little and went back to eating.

Guess that wouldn't work. Should've seen it coming anyway. The guy doesn't talk. I haven't heard him utter a word once since we got here. Maybe he talked to someone this morning but I highly doubt that.

Shyness isn't always a disadvantage though, and maybe he's using it to seem scared when really he's hiding a vicious facade. If that's the case, I'll be on my guard around him. Don't want to give away my secrets and tactics to my enemy.

Looking sceptically at the cowering boy, I saw his ears perk up as he glanced out the window behind me.

Turning around to find what got him so surprised, I saw a huge sea of plastic, colourful faces staring up at us.

Capitol citizens. The worst kind.

Even though I clearly held distaste for them in my heart, I sucked it up and waved at the people standing on the train station, smiling their small hearts out.


Watch the cattle before the slaughter. We were just a game to them.

Well I'd show them a real good time...

~Fire Is Catching~ {Kiribaku Hunger Games AU}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora