Training Day II

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Katsuki Bakugo's pov:

Taking the red-head's hand, I led him over to where the knives were stored. A few had been taken but we were going to use the rest.

Grabbing about ten knives, I watched as Kirishima did the same... studying the design of each one as he did it.

"Come on. Let's go over to that patch over there. No ones claimed it yet. Uraraka, feel free to grab whatever weapon you want to train with and then come over and join us." I said, command lacing my tone.

"Sure thing, Baku. Over there?" She pointed to where I was looking. I simply nodded and she responded with an 'ok', leaving us to take a bow and a set of arrows.

"Classic Katniss Everdeen style huh? District 12 and a bow and arrow? Tricky situation. She may not get many sponsors with that." Kirishima chirped up and I nodded solemnly.

"Looks like we'll just have to protect huh then." I threw back at him and headed over to where we'd start training.

"So... how old are you?" I heard footsteps from behind me determining that Kirishima followed me.

"16, you?"

"I'm 15 but my birthday is almost here so I might turn 16 in that arena. October 16th. When was yours?"

"April 20th."

"420 blaze of am I right?" He chuckled and I facepalmed at his obvious knowledge of memes. They'd become quite popular in these past few years as their purpose was to keep people's spirits up. It obviously walked as everyone quoted them wherever he went. And now the man he'd decided was his or Uraraka's partner, was a fucking meme lord. Of-fucking-course!

"Don't you dare quote those everyday because if you do I swear to god I'll-"

"Ok ok! I'll stop!"

"You better."

We started laughing and I realised we'd reached the mannequins.

"You wanna go first?" I asked, turning around to look at his face.

He nodded and stepped past me into the square. He clicked a button on his side and orange lines came down and made the mannequins look like they were moving. With just as much skill as Clove from District 2 in the 74th games, he lodged each knife into a lethal position. Either the head, or the heart was hit.

A few minutes of knife throwing later, and he'd safely killed every one of the mannequins.

I saw him panting heavily as he left the square and heading back towards me.

"How'd I do?" He places his hands on his knees and breathed in and out, trying to make his oxygen intake even.

"Pretty good. I mean you hit all the targets so I'd say you're safe to use those in the arena. You said you were good at spears and swords too right? Maybe you could show all of them in the private assessment. It would surely turn the judges heads." Smirking I took my turn and headed to the same square that he stood.

I witnessed the same orange lines bring the mannequins to life as I gracefully leapt from one to another, throwing knives two at a time until they were all gone.

As I left, I saw Kirishima laughing his head off.

"Oi! What's so funny?!" I said, snarl donned on my face.

"You were meant to stay in the square but you ignored it and ran around. Can you not see the people looking at you right now?" He continued laughing and I saw Uraraka chuckle into her hand a few feet away as well as a few other people near us.

Growling, I pushed Kirishima and took his knives.

"I'm doing it again then. Let's see if Mr. Perfect can compete win me then, huh!" I ripped the knives out of Kirishima's hands and headed back to the mannequins.

I went through the same thing this time, except I made sure to stay put in the square. Nearing the end, I was celebrating in my head because I was going to beat Kirishima but that thought made me lose focus and I hit the mannequin in the arm, throwing my entire balance off and ultimately causing me to lose.

"Shit!" I growled and stomped my way over to the red-head who was busy howling with laughter at my failure.

"No need to laugh about it!" I snapped.

"But there is!" He insisted and followed me to where I was heading over to the swords. Taking the largest one, I turned fast, and pointed the end at Kirishima's neck.

"How about we dual?" You versus me. I'll ask a monitor." He smirked and nodded, showing me he was ok to doing that. He followed suit and took the second largest sword on offer.

Walking up to the monitor, I asked them if Kirishima and I were allowed to dual. I assured her that we were planning on being allies so there wouldn't be any bad blood. Just practice. She seemed to get the idea and simply nodded, showing me what her answer would be if she'd voiced it out loud.

"Thank you, Miss." I bowed and went back to where my adorable teammate was... wait. Cute?! No! I'm not thinking about this now! I need to beat him in this dual to prove how strong I really am!

"She said yes." I growled out, passing him to a patch of mats. Making myself comfortable on one side, I got into position and waited for Kirishima to do the same.




The sound of metal against metal rung out and people turned to watch our dual. No one was ever really in the lead, we were neck to neck in skill with a sword so there wasn't a clear victor out of the two of us, but then I started losing focus when I stared at his smirking eyes. I felt my own widen and I hastily dodged the attack he sent with a quick defence parry.

Impressed, he pushed forwards and cornered me to the edge of the mats.

"What are you gonna do now, huh? Cutie~." He said, smirk now reaching his lips.

A blush formed on my cheeks (face cheeks you dirty bois) and I stumbled backwards out of the arena.

Laughing at my embarrassment, he helped me back and sneered at me.


Smirking back at him, I replied.

"You're on."

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