Red Riot

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Eijiro Kirishima's pov:

Midnight and I made our way down to the ground floor where our chariots waited patiently. Sugar cubes. Apparently that's what Finnick O'daire used to steal from the horses pulling the chariots.

It was in an interview.

His exact words were, "They've got all the time in the world to live. But us? We don't know what'll happen to us in that arena. We've gotta take as much sugar as we can or they'll take it from us."

As inspiring as his words were meant to sound, to me it sounded like he was obsessed with a drug such as cocaine and tried but failed miserably to cover it up. Typical games winners. They'd say anything to keep the spotlight on them for those few seconds more than anyone else. It's all a huge popularity contest for them. But not for me! I'd win the hearts of these people and show my true nature in the arena, but hiding anything for longer than necessary.

Smile in the Capitol. Smirk in the arena.

The devil is in the detail. And the details must be kept hidden just a few days longer.

A door opened in front of us and I figured out that it was an elevator. The pair of us walked in silently and Midnight picked the floor before we started to move down. The silence in front of us wasn't unwelcoming although I had the urge to fill it was mindless chatter. 

"How long have you been a stylist?"

There was a beat of silence and I grew gradually more antsy around her by the second. Her lack of words starting to get me more and more anxious.

"Don't dodge it. Tell me what's in your mind. You wanted us to trust each other. I'm willing to listen if you're ready to talk, Kirishima. Don't feel pressured but know that I'll be right here to help." She asked, genuine concern lacing her tone.

"Ok. I suppose I should tell you what I'm really like. The smiling boy who's almost always happy is just my persona to the Capitol. I'm so sunshiny and rambunctious even though it's just my alter ego for the press. I'll reveal my true nature in the arena to everyone." I started, leading her to a corner that was void of other people.

"Back in District 8 I had to survive. For my family. It's a tough job when you're the only one who's healthy enough to work. I dropped out of school, and became a hard shell. A ghost of the person I was before. Now I'm mean, sarcastic, and just a little sadistic. I don't have a problem with hurting people if I have a justified reason. And now thanks to the hunger games, I have it. Many people would say that I'm unfortunate but I find myself as lucky. Not many people can say they enjoyed the games after winning and being injured and hunted down." Words flew from my mouth at rapid speeds.

"Anyway, let's get back to the chariots." I said, Midnight just nodded in response, her face still shocked by my explanation.


Entering the room, I saw twelve ornate, gold chariots with 2 well-groomed black horses in front of them. Almost all the districts were there except for one.


Maybe they were just running late? Or were they planning a stupid stunt to act fancier than they really are? God, I hope it isn't the latter. Please don't let it be the latter.

"Tributes. To your chariots please. Thank you!" A man said through the intercom.

Obeying silently, I moved over to where I saw Tamaki already waiting patiently for either me or the entire thing to be over.

"H-Hello K-K-Kirishima! Good l-luck!" He stuttered our quietly but with more confidence than normal.

"Psh. Luck. Don't need that. The crowd'll love me."

Chuckling lightly, we looked around and got ready to enter the long strip to parade ourselves around.

Just as District 1's tributes were about to begin their journey, I heard the doors behind us open and what did I see? Fucking District 12.

Of course they were attempting to be 'fashionably late'. The attention seeking fuckers wanted to show us who was going to be stealing the show.

And god did their costume show it. The girl was so-so but damn. That Male tribute looked so hot, it was insane. I was melting on the inside from the intense glare he gave me. I didn't even realise I was staring until he mouthed a few words to me.

"Take a picture. It'll last longer." And in that moment, I knew who I wanted to win this thing with.

Whoever this mysterious ash-blonde was from District 12.

A blaring horn announced the starting of the parade. Blushing from his previous words, I turned back to the front but before I did, I caught a glimpse of a smirk and heard his soft chuckle.

Fuck he's laughing at me. He's probably plotting to kill me. Shit! I just had to go and ruin my plan.

Down and down the chariots whittled down until it was our turn next. Off we went and waited for the ideal time to set off the secret special effects.

Glancing at Tamaki out of the corner of my eye, I saw him put his white hood up. I nodded at him and he nodded back. Looking forwards once more, I set the special effects off, making it look as though my arm had transformed into pure hard rock. Tamaki's fingers looked as though they'd elongated and transformed into terrifying tentacles. It truly looked as though we were born to kill.

Coming out from underneath the arch, a cacophony of screaming and whooping filled the air around me. All my thoughts were immediately drowned out by the intense noise of the captivated audience.

Yelling, I threw my fists together and bit down with my teeth at one group of the audience who all gasped as though they were scared of me. I mean, I didn't blame them... I looked terrifying with this costume and these effects.

I continued to do this around the audience until we reached the end of the parade. Our chariots gradually slowed and we were told, through the intercoms, to look up at the president.

I witnessed him slowly walking up to the podium, and leaning into the microphone provided for him.

"Good evening Capitol citizens, district tributes and advisors! We are here today to officially open the 87th annual Hunger Games! This year we have a intriguing set of new tributes fresh to send into that custom made arena!" The president continued on for a little while but I completely lost focus. Beside us was the District 12 chariot.

Trying to sneak a glance at the handsome Male, I made eye contact. It seemed like he wasn't one to back down from a challenge so he continued to stare at me. Manly was my whole ideal so of course I wouldn't be the first one to look away. I'm in no war unmanly! I'll show him not to mess with me!

Swallowing, I felt a blush rise in my cheeks as I continued to stare at his beautiful rich red eyes. And before I knew it, my eyes had travelled downwards and I was burning the image of him in his costume into my mind. My eyes followed I've his huge sweaty muscles, his sharp as fuck jawline, and finally they made their way lower... and lower... and lower until I realised where I was looking. As quick as I meant to look at him for, I turned away and internally cursed myself for loosing eye contact, even though I'd already lost by examine his gorgeous body.

Sheepishly, I glanced back at him to see if he was still staring and when I did, we made eye contact again. This time he was the one to erupt into a blush. We bother looked away but not before I got to see his heart-stopping smirk.

Damnit Eijiro! Get it together!

Stop being gay just for once!

Not a chance... I'm so fucking gay...

~Fire Is Catching~ {Kiribaku Hunger Games AU}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora