The Reaping II

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Katsuki Bakugo's pov:

District 12. The poorest district. 12 years ago, a naïve teenager named Katniss Everdeen thought she could change something. So she became the rebellion's mascot. The rebellion she kick-started. The rebellion that killed our ancestors. Our innocent families and friends were slaughtered mercilessly while other districts just sat quietly and watched the carnage unfold.


If I was alive then, I would've made sure that the Capitol never became dictational again! Instead, Katniss Everdeen sits in her little house in the woods off the border of our rotting district. The least she could do is help us feed ourselves after the tragic bombings that occurred here. She helped us build the town back sure, but then she ran away and left us to fend for ourselves against the looming Capitol.

If I gave her a piece of my mind, she'd have the actual genuine intelligence to make the right calls. She'd be able to lead people once more into the Capitol and make things right again.

But she wouldn't listen. She never does. Time and time again, people have to gone to her and her husband for help, but she refuses and lives with her overprivileged children.

My family isn't too bad. My father is still around at least. It's just the two of us. We made it in this country because we tried. Unlike my selfish mother who killed herself two years ago. I have no siblings which I'm glad for. I don't need unnecessary emotional attachments and more mouths to feed. Because both my father and I have to work so the house is almost always empty. The tension is palpable. It's almost like you could cut it with a knife, it's so obvious.

Anyway, I'm going to explain what happened on the fateful day that changed everything for me and the certain someone.

The Reaping.

Girls and boys ranging from the ages of 12 to 18 were at risk.

Although I didn't think I was at risk here. Unlike almost everyone else, I had trained for years. I sharpened myself into the strongest fighting machine District 12 has seen since that Everdeen coward.

If anyone had a chance of winning from our home, it was me.

So when the day came when the names were picked, my plan was to volunteer. Whatever the circumstance, I was going to volunteer. Let those district pricks try to keep me from hunting them down. I'll be coming for them. I'll avenge the name of District 12 from its dirty plaque in everyone's mind.


A few hours had passed, and I was dressed in a deep grey shirt, and black trousers. My dusty shoes were brought out for this occasion. I had made my face and hair look as presentable as possible which wasn't much with the lack of products we owned.

Stood in the courtyard in front of the stage, I was getting bored and wanted people to just start the damn thing already. Thankfully, my prayers were answered and a scrawny man, with disgusting blonde hair, an oversized white shirt, and green baggy pants walked slowly onto the stage. What kind of style is that? Dying of tuberculosis in the Capitol?

The dead looking man stumbled to the centre with the microphone, he leaned in and spoke quietly even though it was picked up.

"Hello, District 12. I am Toshinori Yagi but people sometimes call me All Might."

Psh. Where'd that nickname come from?

"I am here to pick the two contestants going into the arena to represent their district. Let's start on this side shall we?" He said as he shuffled to the glass bowl on my half of the stage.

At a snail's pace, he reached in and quickly pulled out a closed paper. He then made his way back to the microphone and unfolded the paper, speaking into the technology.

"Katsuki Bakugo."

Well, he did my job for me. At least I wouldn't need to make a spectacle and volunteer. With purpose, I made my way up the stairs, my fellow 12s staring my way.

As soon as I reached the top, Toshinori pulled me into the microphone and asked me a series of questions.

"You seem quite happy about this,  why is that?"

"I can't wait to teach people that District 12 isn't weak. I'm going to continue fighting and bring glory to this depressing place. Watch out, districts, my blades are coming for your necks."

"Thank you for that."

I was too busy looking out across the sea of face staring at both me and the small escort as he made his way over to the other bowl. I want even listening until I heard a single name.

"Ochaco Uraraka."

She was the only other person here I had respect for. No way was I going to let her die on there immediately. I looked over her way and nodded. She sent a nervous nod back and I turned away to continue looking out at the children who were exhaling in relief.

"So there we have it. This year's candidates for the amazing job of representing your home. Happy Hunger Games! And may the odds be ever in your favour!"


Sat in front of the window, I looked out at the empty courtyard that was filled with nervous children just minutes ago. This was the time for the families of the tributes to see them one last time before they were sent to the Capitol to be prettied up.

I heard the door open unexpectedly as I wasn't expecting anyone to visit me. Especially not who walked in the door.

Emi and my father. Emi was my teacher until recently when I dropped out to focus solely on my training.


"Oh where did this come from, Baku~? Last time I checked you were calling me Miss Joke Bitch!" She chuckled at the end. (I hope someone gets this reference)

I rolled my eyes and turned to my father. Thinking I'd have to say something I spat out the only thing I could say without slapping him.

"Father. What the fuck are you doing here!" He flinched and stared into my eyes.

"I am so sorry, son. Ever since your mother died, I wasn't in my right mind and I asked your teacher here to give me some emotional support and to help me confront you. I really am remorseful about the time I spent avoiding you because I was afraid of the looks you'd give me after almost abandoning you when we were left. Please find it in your heart to forgive me." He looked pleadingly up at me.

"I'll get back to you when I win this thing." I said, confidence dripping off my words.

"That's the son I know." He let his lips lift into a tiny smile. Smirking back at him, I turned to my teacher once more.

"You better get everyone to root for me, Miss Joke Bitch otherwise I might end up letting out my rage on another teenager." I said, my smirk growing in size.

"Will do, Mr Problem Child!" She sent a closed eyed grin my way and gave me a thumbs up.

"Alright, times up, now get out." The peacekeeper at the door said, a little timid because of the actions of the poorer districts during the rebellion.

They left and I turned back to the window.

Look out Capitol, in coming.

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