Chapter 23

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Song of the Day: God Only Knows by The Beach Boys

Odette's POV:

We got dropped off at the nearest breakfast diner after we got ready and the bus left to the venue after. We sat down on a big booth. A nice young lady was our waitress and she recognized the band. Her expression was unbeliavable.

"Oh my God! It's you!" She stepped back when she saw us. Everyone smiled at her.

"Oh God, I love you guys so much, I'm going to see you later with my boyfriend, he's gonna flip when he finds out I met you!" She exclaimed, and the guys all said thank you. Then she turned to me.

"Oh, my god, I love your book! I'm obsessed, I read it during my breaks and everything, the other day I even almost crashed into a pole. It's so good! Do you... Mind if I ask you to autograph my copy?" She asked me and I smiled widely, I loved meeting people that knew about me, an insignificant author. I nodded.

"Of course! I would be glad to." I said and she squealed and turned to get her book when she stopped and walked back sheepishly.

"I'm sorry, I was so starstruck I almost forgot I'm supposed to be working! Silly me! What can I get you guys?" She asked, I liked her, she was so perky and nice. We ordered and she nodded and skipped to the counter. We looked at each other and laughed.

"Awwe, she's so sweet." I commented and they all agreed. We got out food faster than expected and she kept looking our way, as if waiting for us to finish so she could speak to us again. She was readinng her book while stealing glances, and it made me want to eat faster, so I could sign it for her and make her even happier than she already was. Eventually, we finished and I smiled at her as a sign to call her over. She came to us and started to take our empty plates away.

"How was it guys? Good I hope." She said, while stacking a dangerous amount of plates on top of each other.

"It was great actually. Thank you." Mark said and we all agreed.

"Why don't you bring your book and I'll sign it, sweetie." I suggested. She nodded and ran to the counter and left the stack of dishes to grab her book quickly and came back, I smiled at her enthusiasm and grabbed her pen and signed it, leaving a special little note. I looked at Mark, who smiled, reading my mind. I handed it to him and he signed it too, and passed it to the other guys and so on until I gave it back to her and her smile was huge, she grabbed it and hugged it to her chest, she looked like she was about to cry.

"Thank you guys so much." She said I smiled widely.

"It was our pleasure, lovely." I said, she nodded and we stood up to say Goodbye and we all hugged her one by one.

"We'll see you and your boyfirend later." Isom said and she nodded and waved as we left. We all walked around for a while until we found an ice cream parlor. Pontious, Angelica and most of the guys went in and I stayed back to sit on a little bench just outside. Mark looked at me and went to sit as well as I smiled softly.

"Are you okay, Ode?" He asked, I suddenly felt kind of emotional, I just nodded while I bit my lip. He took my hand and squeezed.

"Don't try to lie to me, I know you all too well to know you are upset." He said and I looked into his eyes and sighed, looking at our entwined hands and leaned my head on his shoulder. I looked at my uncovered arm, and quickly covered it again, hiding the scars.

"I just, it has been a tough couple of weeks. I just keep thinking how it would be so much better if I stopped talking to you so I won't ever compare you to Steven and so you can get over me, you would be so much better off..." I said, he squeezed my hand and turned to kiss my head.

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