Chapter 14

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***** I uploaded this yesterday, Friday the 30th of January. It says that I Uploaded today, but something weird happened with the internet connection. Anyway, I'm sorry if you just found out today. Have a lovely Saturday my readers c:*****

Song of the Day: Truce by Twenty One Pilots

Odette's POV:

I opened my drowsy brown eyes and was met by some calm blue ones. I smiled back at Mark. He pecked my lips and I felt tingles, everytime we kissed, I felt the same butterflies I felt like if it were the first time. I guess it showed just how much he meant to me. I just hoped he felt the same way.

"Good morning, my love." he said, I smiled and squeezed myself deeper into his bare chest, burying my head on the crook of his neck and inhaled his nostalgic scent.

"Good morning. Since when have you been up?" I asked.

"Not that long, just about 20 minutes tops." He said, I chuckled, I guess his insomnia hasn't been triggered lately, he keeps trying to convince me it's because of me. It has been almost a month since we left from my grandma's. We have been inseparable, we slept together almost every single day, except for when he has to go to the recording studio for the new songs and I had been busy too, with my book about to be released and all.

It has been quite a while since we became a couple but I swear it seems like everyday I fall more and more undeniably in love with him. I can't help it, he makes me feel ecstatic, the world seems so much more colorful, as cliché as that sounds. But I swear he sparkles in my eyes, I can't imagine a life without him in it now, and it terrified me as much as it thrilled me. I didn't like to be so reliant on someone, for fear of betrayal, I had always been that way, and with Steven, I had put my walls down and it caused me the greatest pain I had ever experienced. But I loved Mark despite of it all, I just hoped he would never make me feel the way Steven had made me feel.

"Ode? Baby, what's wrong? What are you thinking of?" he asked me after a while. I kissed his collar bone.

"Nothing, just thinking about my book and your upcoming album." I partly lied.

"It's amazing how fast the time has passed. Time is slipping right from our hands, leaving us with no other choice than to watch it unravel before us." He said. I smiled and reached up to kiss his jaw.

"So deep, my Mark." I said, I loved it when he got like this, getting lost in thought outloud. He chuckled and kissed me again.

"Have I ever told you how glad I am that you don't smoke anymore?" I asked, he laughed.

"No, I don't think so. Can I ask why?" He asked. I nodded.

"I kind of don't like the smell, I hate it. My dad used to smoke sometimes with my godfathers. And, Steven used to smoke and drink before he... did things to me, like usual and I hate it because I would taste that horrible smell in my mouth. I don't judge you for doing it, I understand why. But people like Steven, abused it too much." I explained. He nodded.

"Yeah, I understand. I barely do it anymore. I do sometimes, when you're not with me. But a pack lasts me for half a year now, I can honestly say I'm proud of myself." He smiled.

"I'm proud of you too, my dad always promised he would stop, but he always ended up doing it again." He pulled me closer and kissed my forehead, I smiled. We stayed like that for a while until we decided to get up and get ready to visit Cubbie and Rebecca, as he said he had something important to tell us, as did I, nobody knew, but my book would be released this afternoon and I was unbelievably nervous and excited at the same time. We got ready, Mark and I had stayed over at our houses so much, we already had clothes and things for each other when we needed them in both places.

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