Chapter 4

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Song of the Day: Do you wanna by The Kooks

Odette's POV:

I went upstairs to shower and picked my outfit. I grabbed some denim short shorts and a band t-shirt. I listened to everything, so I had very extensive library of music. I grabbed my Of Mice and Men t-shirt and then got a white cardigan. I wore sandals and put my hair in a messy bun and only put mascara since I didn't expect to leave the house. Maybe I would work on my book, I went downstairs to grab grapes. Angelica was on her phone. She was laughing and suddenly stopped when she saw me coming.

"Wait up, she just got down stairs. Let me ask." I looked at her suspiciously, not sure if I wanted to hear this. I grabbed my grapes and I started to head up the stairs. This might not be good.

"Wait, Ode! Come back! I'm going to have to leave you babe, I'll text you." I turned around, I realized she was talking to Pontious. I ate a grape while she got off the couch excitedly and met me at the bottom of the stairs.

"Okay, so Ponsi called and he told me that he's having a grill over at his house. The band's gonna be there and he asked me if I wanted to come, and he also asked me to invite you. Want to accompany me? Mark wil be there." She persuaded me. I frowned slightly.

"Angelica, as much fun as that sounds, I have to work on the book. I don't know if it would be a good idea-"

"Oh come on! You are always working! You are a workaholic! You didn't work yesterday and I was pretty surprised! It doesn't hurt to atleast take a weekend off. Please? I would feel bad leaving you here alone, when you can see Mark." She interrupted me and wiggled her eyebowrs. I just smiled and nodded, there was no point in arguing, she would end up staying for me, because she's a nice friend like that.

"Fine, fine. I'll go. Let me change." I said, she jumped and started texting on her phone I went upstaris to apply a bit of make up, just a wing and lip balm really. I changed to a better cardigan and black knee length socks and grabbed my red boot converse. Once I felt satisfied, I grabbed my phone and headed down stairs where Angelica was waiting. She always looked fabulous in anything she wore, even pijamas! I smiled at her ability to do that and we headed out.I drove because she tried to avoid it as much as possible since she wasn't the greatest driver out there.

We got to Pontious's house and I almost dropped my jaw to the floor. It was pretty huge! It looked really pretty. I saw several cars parked in front and we parked near there as well. I was a bit nervous. I wasn't sure if Mark would think my outfit was too casual or sloppy, even if I thruthfully didn't try at all.

Angelica skipped to the front door and pressed the doorbell. We waited patiently until they opened it. Pontious opened the and smiled widely as he opened his arms. Angelica swung herself to him and kissed him. They both chuckled.

"Hey gorgeous." Pontious said, Angelica giggled.

"Hey handsome." I rolled my eyes at them, it was funny, I wondered if I would ever be like that if I ever got a boyfriend. My thoughts went to Mark and I, doing the exact same thing as them, I blushed at my involuntary thoughts but snapped up when I felt Pontious hug me hello. I hugged back and he pulled back.

"Come on in." He moved so we could get in, we were about to go to the backyard when Pontious asked me to go upstairs to get a CD, I nodded and went upstairs. It was a mistake. There was so many rooms, more than necessary for just one guy living here. I walked aimlessly and actually got lost. I decided to try to find his room anyway, it would be the one that looks habited obviously. I went through 3 rooms. One of those was decorated in a girlish way, as if a girl lived there. I remembered that he has a sister, maybe she lives here with him. I shrugged and went to the corner room.
I opened it and was surprised to see none other than Mark Foster. He turned around, with a CD in his hands, a shocked expression on his face before he realized it was me. He smiled. I smiled.

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